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Understanding Traditional [Street Fighter] vs Mortal Kombat Notation

Injustice: Gods Among Us will feature an option that allows the player to change their control scheme​

Most players entering Injustice: Gods Among Us will either be more familiar with one or the other, so here's a simple run down on each input notation and their translation.​
This option will allow players who are comfortable with traditional "Street Fighter" style commands to input how they desire with the ability to do QCF motions [Quarter Circle Forward] etc.​
It also allows players who are comfrotible with "Mortal Kombat" style commands to input how they desire with the ability to do DF motions [Down Forward] etc.​
So hopefully when the game drops, you all can choose which ever you're more comfortable with and properly understand their differences.​

Playstation --
- 1
- 2
x - 3
o - 4

Xbox 360 --
X - 1
Y - 2
A - 3
B - 4

Understanding a Fight Stick Button Layout:

Mortal Kombat Style Notations:
F - Forward [:r]
B - Back [:l]
D - Down [:d]
U - Up [:u]
UF - Up Forward [:u:r]
DF - Down Forward [:d:r]
UB - Up Back [:u:l]
DB - Down Back [:d:l]
DBF - Down Back Forward [:d:l:r]
Traditional [Street Fighter] Style Notations:
QCF - Quarter Circle Forward​
QCB- Quarter Circle Back​
HCF - Half Circle Forward​
HCB - Half Circle Back​
U- Up​
F - Forward​
D - Down​
B - Back​
Here's a simple way of looking at those "QCF" notations if you do not understand them.​
Example: QCF - Quarter Circle Forward would follow the path of "236"​
SF has more motions than that. I'm guessing you only included the ones that will be in injustice though.
Yes. I doubt it will have 360s or 720s. People also use, DF, UF, DB, in SF but, those are pretty straight forward and those inputs will be translated into QCF/QCB, should it just include everything? Let me know.


don't forget that many times, SF players also use:

SRK and DP to notate a dragon punch or : f,d,df + button
FB for Fireball motion : d,df,f + button
HDK for fireball motion : d,df,f + button
Tatsu for spinning kick like moves(SF shoto hurricane kick)
don't forget that many times, SF players also use:

SRK and DP to notate a dragon punch or : f,d,df + button
FB for Fireball motion : d,df,f + button
HDK for fireball motion : d,df,f + button
Tatsu for spinning kick like moves(SF shoto hurricane kick)
Good, point, do you think people will be calling projectiles Fireballs in Injustice, curious. I'll annotate that next to those motions.


Good, point, do you think people will be calling projectiles Fireballs in Injustice, curious. I'll annotate that next to those motions.
I'm pretty sure... just about any projectile with that motion can be referred to as a "fireball".. it's become such a generic term.

Same thing for charge b,f + button projectiles all being called "sonic boom"


Hope this doesn't mean more input bug.
The change of input styles from MK to SF is going to be good for characters that have a down poke. In MK, you get the "negative edge" of dash d4 activating a df 4 move if you hit the diagonal. I think this will be fixed because if you hit the diagonal it will not be enough of the motion to activate a qcf move. I hope this made sense, if not, I'll try again lol.


Former Divine Power Abuser
Understood lol
The change of input styles from MK to SF is going to be good for characters that have a down poke. In MK, you get the "negative edge" of dash d4 activating a df 4 move if you hit the diagonal. I think this will be fixed because if you hit the diagonal it will not be enough of the motion to activate a qcf move. I hope this made sense, if not, I'll try again lol.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Dont forget to add in your annotations that in SF notation DP= toward, down, then the down+forward direction
Dont forget to add in your annotations that in SF notation DP= toward, down, then the down+forward direction
Yeah, I plan on fixing this, I'm avoiding it because not sure if people will actually refer to those moves in relation to Injustice.

I don't see people saying, throw a "fireball" with Batman. Just going to keep it generalized for now.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Dont be worried about including too many version or too much info. Those that dont want to read can skip, those that are interested can read. The more we know the more we level up. Tiger knee motion for example, skarlet cant use it in MK, but can injustice characters take advantage of it?

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I suppose for the advanced tutorials guide we should cover things like negative edge, crossups, unblockables, and the basic concepts of why guys bob back and forth for footsies along with pushblocking and tech rolling.
Yes. I doubt it will have 360s or 720s. People also use, DF, UF, DB, in SF but, those are pretty straight forward and those inputs will be translated into QCF/QCB, should it just include everything? Let me know.
Cyborg has 3 commands in some of his special moves. I'm pretty sure they'll be half circle motions on street fighter commands.