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Unable to access DLC Costumes offline.

Hello. I've been lurking these forums for awhile now, feverishly copying down kombo strings on napkins and the backs of my unpaid bills, and I must say that this is by far the best and most prolific MK9 gathering I've come across. You guys are straight dope, double plus gold star.

I chose to descend into these charming, murky depths because I have a bit of a problem, and the Google has been zero help, so I thought I'd ask here; the odds are certainly higher of grabbing an entity capable of critical thinking and the application of common sense.

I play on an Xbox Full-Circle, and while I have respectable wireless, I currently do not have the means to purchase antennae for my contoured Erstwhile Carton, and nor do I have any real need to buy it one...or so I thought.

My upstairs housemate does have a receiver, so I slapped my HD into his rig and downloaded all the updates and compatibility patches- including, dear reader, the neato Klassic Kostumes. My Live-affiliated gamertag resides on a memory card in case I go upstairs to engage in gory slaughter.

Now the crux of my dilemma: whilst playing upstairs (and online), my beloved Sektor can slough off his shiny new armor (it squeaks so, when he kicks), and don the comfortable apparel he wore in the third installment, which we both agree is far superior. However, when I am downstairs (and therefore offline), poor Sektor's retro attire is nowhere to be found.

Again, the elements of the equation: Xbox 360, gamertag on memory card, online all dlc costumes accessible, offline no dlc costumes accessible. I'm given to understand that I -should- be able to not be online and enjoy the free togs, and despite an hour or more of combing through the net, I can find no evidence to the contrary.

I have attempted the following: transferring gamertag to hard drive, purloining my housemate's receiver and re-downloading the patches. My next logical step was to delete all MK9 data from the HD and re-install everything, but I suspected a quick query might be suitable before such drastic measures are taken. You have my gratitude in advance. ~Fake
Hah! Answered my own question eventually. Had to get just the right wording in the search engine, a fine art if ever there was one. In case someone else has this problem, here is the solution:

My error was in downloading the DLC on my friend's Xbox; even though it was my HDD, the licenses for the DLC got downloaded to the console's memory. In Settings->Account->Billing Options->License Transfer. A lengthy but not overly complex process.

The link to the Xbox.com support thread: [url]http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live/marketplace-and-purchasing/download-content[/url] Cheers. ~Fake