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UMK9/MK10 - Should wake up attacks be in the game?


A lot of us have been in this situation: You're doing very well in a match. You're hitting all of your combos, and you're keeping pressure. You get a knockdown and decide to dash up and do something that isn't block, like sweep and do a meaty string, but then it's interrupted by a wake up attack. Pressure ruined. Situation reset. Back to square one.

What I'm asking is: Would you like to see wake up attacks return in a new MK game?

Tom Brady

A lot of us have been in this situation: You're doing very well in a match. You're hitting all of your combos, and you're keeping pressure. You get a knockdown and decide to dash up and do something that isn't block, like sweep and do a meaty string, but then it's interrupted by a wake up attack. Pressure ruined. Situation reset. Back to square one.

What I'm asking is: Would you like to see wake up attacks return in a new MK game?
yes, because without them you would never ever EVER get up vs half of the cast.
Stop trying to use SF tactics: problem solved.

you can still pressure on wake-up, just not like SF and not the same way to everyone.


If they kept the same core mechanics? no way. If they totally change the game, that's a different story. As of right now though, I'd say they're extremely needed.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
After seeing how scary it is to be forced into a certain position when getting up in previous MK games like MKD (And this one is pretty much no different), yeeeeeeeeeah. >_>

WUAs keep this game from being a complete "get KDed and you die automatically" fest.


too smart to play MKX
Yes, they should. Not only should they be in the next game, but everyone should actually have them.
I would have to say yeah, wake up attacks needs to stay. It can be annoying to be caught by wake up attacks or lose some pressure due to certain characters but out of all honesty...how many times can say your wake up attack didn't save your life or allowed you to change things up? I use to main Jax and after the armor buff it became obvious that his ex dash punch was going to be my best tool to reset situations against stronger opponents and keep corner pressure.


You get a knockdown and decide to dash up and do something that isn't block, like sweep and do a meaty string, but then it's interrupted by a wake up attack. Pressure ruined. Situation reset. Back to square one.
Wake-ups are an integral part of ones ability to shift the momentum to their side. There has to be a way to stop the pressure as the rush down in this game can get a little ridiculous at times.

What I suggest you do when in a match with someone who is wakeup happy is too simply stop rushing in (because you know there will be a 80% chance of a wakeup) and punish it. A teleport wakeup only requires one to push block in order to be rewarded with a full combo. I personally love playing against teleporters as many people are very wakeup happy and very open to being punished for it (except Raiden gahhhhh).

P.S. 69th post. Booyah!


Grabs work for me a lot of the times, or sweeps. Most of the time, it cancels their standing up animation straight into the move. Raidens and Reptiles dash both are excellent moves to cancel animations too because they're fast.


How do you pressure a knockdown properly in this game?
It's really character/matchup dependent. Almost impossible to do it "properly" when they have meter (or armor moves, rather), at that point your best bet is to bait and punish. Then there's characters like Kitana who have fully invincible on wakeup attacks. Overall though I'd say Reptile and Sub-Zero can do this the best, though. Reptile using SFB at the end of combos over slide is fantastic, and Sub-Zero and kind of do the same thing with clones, depending on who is knocked down and the distance. Reptile can also spam dash to mix up inputs, that's not exactly "pressure", but it accomplishes the same thing. There's no universal way to do it, but the closest thing is just to make them scared of doing one at all. I.E after you duck enough NW shoulders and punish them, he'll let off them.