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UMK3 - Kaillera Matches


Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
I just got done playing "Prince" on Kaillera. I remember that he wiped the wall with me in MK2, so when his name popped up in my UMK3 room, I was hesitant to play him. I took the chance and actually held my own. We did random every match and he never got more than 2 wins on me. We would go back and forth. I would get 2 wins, then him, then me. We played for about half an hour and I am surprised I did as well as I did. I don't know who "Prince" is or if he is on this forum, but, ggs man. Thanks for playing! (My Kaillera handle is YourMameMan if anyone wants to play sometime. It's the same as my Youtube channel..http://www.youtube.com/user/YourMameMan)