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UMK3 for the PS1?

Not to be outdone by Sega, Sony took advantage of the fine print and made UMK3 on a PlayStation possible. Sony had Midway produce a very limited amount of $15 memory expansion packs that plugged into the back of the PlayStation's serial port (the same port a Gameshark was plugged into). When a player had an MK3 disc in their PlayStation and the pack's switch was set to "on," it allowed the player to play a very hand-me-down version of UMK3

Is this true? Is there any video of it?


It's not true.

Rumors abounded back when UMK3 was announced for Saturn that there would be an add-on or memory card enhancement to the PSX version of MK3. But there was never any evidence of an actual device being created.

In particular, the price point shows how unlikely it was. Even if they did want to produce something like this, $15 wouldn't happen. They charged $50 for games that cost next to nothing to mass produce. The addon would cost at least a few bucks to mass produce which means it'd only be worth it to make such a device if they could sell it for more than the cost of a normal game.


I know this will sound dumb, but I saw somewhere that there was a PC version of UMK3, in a catalogue but I cant find any corroberating evidence.