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umk 3

Hey, my gamertag is KingSizeJax. I played now umk3 for a few six days, before i just played mk 2 on the ps 3 !! I see very much people playing very good on xbox live !!


Westbury Nathan's 4 Life
I don't mean to be a jerk but that isn't a very descriptive thread title :wink:
Welcome aboard :p

Hello im a nomad here, and happy to talk about my favorite game with others intersted . I am so motivated by the people who run this site...even though they can be grumpy :roll:
I cant seem to find any threads about xbl tournys. What about competitions....upcoming...We got better weather coming soon so a get together local pary umk3 or mk or mk2. $25.00 entry fee, i wanna play for money!!!!!