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The Saltan of Salt
Just shows the psychological impact of an afternoon with Trent Reznor, Amarica's Best Dance Crew reruns, and a bottle of adderal.


That's industrial dance. It looks really fucking weird. That's not the music they dance to though, they do it to like industrial trance or Electronic body music.


Scrublord McGee
I can envision one hell of a convo between the guy with the gas mask and Psycho Mantis if they were related ...


I'm a lover, not a fighter
Well I have always said that there is not enough manskirts in the world :p

Meanwhile, for some reason the one dressed like the people's pope on the left reminded me of the pic below for some reason.



Praise Sheeva
Hehe, this is not the original video, but the music is so fitting and hilarious! I had no idea that there was a term for this kind of dancing. I've seen it clubs at before.