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Um, so... did anyone else stay up to watch Toonami?


I don't play Runescape
I did... I stayed up all night. :)

I should probably specify a bit more >_>
March 31st, Adult Swim aired the Toonami Block from about 11 pm to 5 am (central). They showed uncensored episodes of Dragon Ball Z, Tenchi Muyo, Trigun, Big O, Astro Boy, Gigantor, and some other anime.

Supposedly, it's an April Fools' joke, but an episode of Bleach was advertised to play next Saturday, same time. Most likely along with other Toonami episodes. Should b gud!!!


Peeps on Blackula s place stood all night watching tv (Toonami) so i have no option since the leaving room was the only place for me to sleep. Wast bad, hopefully it wasnt a April fools joke or i will be sad :/


All night? I was watching it when it was on in the evening 5-8 PM EST.
Same, damn that was a long time ago:(.

I didn't realize they were resurrecting it, maybe I'll see if there's any shows worth recording Yu Yu Hakusho and Dragonball Z were my faves from that era.


I don't play Runescape
what dafuq did i miss?
For April Fools, Adult Swim showed the Toonami Block last night. They played so many classic shows... I came in at Tenchi Muyo and stayed until the end. TOM even did a review of Mass Effect 3 like when he used to do old game reviews. There was a commercial saying they would be playing Bleach next week, so this might be a weekly thing!! Cross your fingers, guys!

The memories were oh so sweet, I was up until 5 watching, lol... Even saw the old Astro Boy


I miss Toonami...

Even if they brought it back, I wouldn't be able to watch it because all I have is channel 11 and 4. :(


『T R I G G E R E D』
For April Fools, Adult Swim showed the Toonami Block last night. They played so many classic shows... I came in at Tenchi Muyo and stayed until the end. TOM even did a review of Mass Effect 3 like when he used to do old game reviews. There was a commercial saying they would be playing Bleach next week, so this might be a weekly thing!! Cross your fingers, guys!

The memories were oh so sweet, I was up until 5 watching, lol... Even saw the old Astro Boy
i missed toonami? i must end my life


I don't play Runescape
Wait, so Toonami really came back? Or is this a joke?
Here's hoping. The voice actor for TOM said that he doesn't know if it's back for good, but he hopes so. What is known is that Toonami will be on again next week Saturday, most likely the same time. There were commercials about it, they were advertising Bleach next week.

Do they still air Sailor Moon?

...............what? Why are you all looking at me like that?
Not gonna judge, lol. >_>
I didn't see sailor Moon though, maybe next week


Here's hoping. The voice actor for TOM said that he doesn't know if it's back for good, but he hopes so. What is known is that Toonami will be on again next week Saturday, most likely the same time.

Not gonna judge, lol. >_>
I didn't see sailor Moon though, maybe next week
How do you know that DP? Did they say so on Toonami or on some site? I hope someone records it next week.


Cartoon Network actually aired something that people remembered and loved? I'm more surprised at that to be honest. I haven't paid any attention to anything Cartoon Network related in years. The channel has just gone to complete shit for me, but it does suck that I missed this seeing as that was one of the channels to watch years ago. Just too many good shows to name and that afternoon block was amazing.

It sort of makes you wonder doesn't it? Why do networks like Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon keep ignoring the older fans? Do they really think those shows from their glory days are not worth airing anymore? And don't even mention the Nickelodeon midnight block of All That and 2 classic Nick cartoons cause it's already gone to shit.


I don't play Runescape

People are taking this opportunity to try and bring all those shows back along with the block. It will be airing again this Saturday so here's hoping that works!!


I was too young to understand what was going on in that show until now... It's so friggin awesome



People are taking this opportunity to try and bring all those shows back along with the block. It will be airing again this Saturday so here's hoping that works!!
Good to hear that. It sucks though since I work overnights. I'm just glad to hear that at least today's generation of animation lovers will get a chance to see what good cartoons actually are.


Getting better with age
Got a feeling it was just an April Fools day joke. They play Bleach on Saturday nights anyway.
I need more YuYuHakusho in my life.


I don't play Runescape
Well, Steve Blum (Tom's VA) said that this may not be forever, but he hopes it will be on his Twitter. Just hoping it lasts...
I hope it doesn't become some big joke :(


Well, Steve Blum (Tom's VA) said that this may not be forever, but he hopes it will be on his Twitter. Just hoping it lasts...
I hope it doesn't become some big joke :(
Well, if they were smart, they'd make sure it would last forever. I don't watch anime anymore. The last anime I really enjoyed was Cowboy Bebop and Berserk. I'd try my best to watch anything Toonami with shows like Cowboy Bebop and anything they showed before it. I just can't stand Adult Swim.


I don't play Runescape
I've actually never watched Adult Swim. I don't even watch TV anymore, but I'd start if Toonami came back. I hope this campaign they have going works, it's on Twitter, FB, the CN site, people are going nuts