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Ultimate Mortal Kombat 9


I'm gonna be quite blunt, and if you haven't listened to the recent MK9 podcast on ATP which can be found here: http://testyourmight.com/forum/content.php?1457-ATP-MK9-Podcast-Featuring-Arturo-LI-Joe

... you might not understand.

Anyway, regarding the 'trade hits' factor, balancing issues, hit boxes, etc... Would YOU be in favor of NRS releasing UMK9 as to SFIV's SSFIV?

Would just like to know some thoughts here.

Thanks and do NOT flame or bait.


Gaming4Satan Founder
I'm in favor of it just to see more mk goodness, not because I have a problem with the game.


Frost Warrior
As much as I hate to say it, If it fixes all the problems we have, and bring LOADS of content, then im all for it. I might have to add though, this game is only 4 months old. People just bought this. In the time of what happens now and in the future, alot might happen. Problem(s) might get fixed and so on.

TBH, i'm on the fence for this, but for now, I'll say yes.


NJ Jobber
They can hotfix all of this. I'm not paying for the game again when they can fix it for free.
They actually can't. Some Problems go much deeper than hotfixes or patches alone can remedy.

I am totally for this. Hell if all the "accepted" fighters have been doing this, why shouldn't we?

CD jr

im in favor but if they are to release another version it should be at least a year from now so we can have more time to find more glitches,infinites,etc.......


They can hotfix all of this. I'm not paying for the game again when they can fix it for free.
You are not grasping the point of this thread/poll.

With every hotfix/patch that is released... that can also trigger other problems and so on.

The point of this thread is to recognize the fact that all of these 'hotfixes and patches' are also deeply effecting the games longevity in the FGC. This could be a deciding factor in getting MK to Evo 2012; (fingers crossed)


As far as characters go, it would also be ideal to have them already in the game... everything unlocked. Cut the bullshit already and just give us a good tournament, Evo-worthy game.

Vulcan Hades

Dummy recording feature in practice mode, decent netcode, frame data and visible hitboxes.

That's what I want. And I'll pay full price for it. Not everything can be fixed with a patch unfortunately. Sometimes you need to start over and reprogram some things.


I am totally for this. Hell if all the "accepted" fighters have doing this, why shouldn't we?
This. It would be great if it was cut in price like Super SF4, SSF4 AE, and UMvC3.

I think the idea of doing it is one thing, but timing is the main thing. This should not happen until next year.

It would give them some more income and keep things a little more fresh to keep fans going while they work on their next title.


Arcade Tech
if they were to make a UMK9 i would like to see the dash canned for a Run meter, and standard normals for everyone!

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Unfortunately, I would've liked MK9 to have more than 4 months to figure out the entire game, but it's pretty much hit that point. But that's okay, as long as NRS improves the game, adds a good trainer, more character depth (less dial a combos, please!) and adds GGPO then it'll be an absolutely fantastic game. We all want MK to continue on strong, if we didn't enjoy the series, we wouldn't want to strengthen it. Just fix those issues, you can recycle the story mode, the challenge tower, and krypt.

Would be nice if a bit more was added to the krypt and challenge tower (you know, give us a REASON to actually beat the 300th challenge, put Robo Smoke in there or something) but it's by no means necessary.


This. It would be great if it was cut in price like Super SF4, SSF4 AE, and UMvC3.

I think the idea of doing it is one thing, but timing is the main thing. This should not happen until next year.

It would give them some more income and keep things a little more fresh to keep fans going while they work on their next title.
I would completely agree to this and in the meantime get the tournament players BACK TO NRS!


While I like the idea of this thread, it's far too early to even say what all is actually in need of fixing. Some things we consider obvious (hitboxes, trades) but who knows what other kinds of glitches and unintended abilities characters have in this game.

As CD jr said, we're gonna need a year (or a much bigger, dedicated scene) AFTER all the DLC has been released and without patches to figure out what exactly is going on in the game to the fullest extent. Anything less will just create a new set of problems. That said, if people just want the main issues of frame data, hitboxes and trading fixed I'd be all for it. Every game has advantageous glitches anyway.


more character depth (less dial a combos, please!)
Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't dials been around since MK3? They won't be leaving the game any time soon.

I would much rather see MK10 compared to UMK9, but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing UMK9 either.


To be completely honest, I wasn't expecting NRS to hit gold with this after what a horrible experience MKvsDC was. But they have blown my mind how good this game came out to be. Don't get me wrong It still has it problems but man... this has got to be the best game I ever played. I've really gotten into this game I play it almost all the time and I'm at the point in my life where video games aren't of any importance anymore but this game, yet with all its problems, has all my attention. I just wish it was more popular everywhere. The only thing that really hurts this game is its online and lack of a good trainer which some people here have already said before. If those things were fixed I think that this game would be alot more popular and we would have stronger scenes. Nobody plays this game where I live so either have to play online or travel(which I'm not afraid to do but these days that costs alot of money). All my losses in this game come from me not knowing matchups and basic fighting game fundamentals. I cant learn these things online. Which means that I have to travel miles from where I live because their is no scene where I live. Im too young to start my own. Who is going to take a 16 year old seriously about creating a competitive fighting game scene? Shit sucks. I read on here somewhere that someone said this game was a stepping stone to something greater. I couldn't agree with that statement more. This game has been one godlike stepping stone. If NRS release a UMK9 with all the problems in this version fixed like the online and trainer, and more awesome features and modes to add on, we might be in for something big. And a MK10 after that? The MK series could take its steps back into the spotlight where it belongs.

Sorry, I didn't mean to write this much. :p


Play Monster Hunter!
Ah the run button, really cool idea, but sadly it would kill the game in the eyes of the fighting game community even faster then shit online and trainer would.
A nice comprimise would be to make like 1 or 2 characters designed around having a command run, give em a nice MK3 feel with out ruining the game for everyone else.

I know like NO one is going to agree with me, but adding in dashes was one of the best things they did with MK9.