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UFGT8: A Formal Announcement from Pig on who is Winning


My vote is my favorite salt shaker, Soonk.
Unless the stream lags, or the tv lags, or someone hits the home key, or his glasses are on crooked, or the suns in his eyes, or the opponent played too random, or he didn't get enough sleep the night before, or 16bit kicked him out of the room, or the moon lines up perfectly with saturn, or someone looks at him....etc.

Don't get it twisted....I love soonk :p
My vote is my favorite salt shaker, Soonk.
Unless the stream lags, or the tv lags, or someone hits the home key, or his glasses are on crooked, or the suns in his eyes, or the opponent played too random, or he didn't get enough sleep the night before, or 16bit kicked him out of the room, or the moon lines up perfectly with saturn, or someone looks at him....etc.

Don't get it twisted....I love soonk :p
Wow you don't even practice with soonk on a weekly basis and you already know him so well!