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UFGT Tournament Aftermath & Shoutouts Thread

Shoutouts to everyone at UFGT I got to play this weekend. Especially Pig Of The Hut ; even though we only played a few games, I took all the advice you gave me to heart. It really helped me out a lot, I will definitely be working my hardest to get out of those bad habits of mine at Console Combat next month.

Tolkeen I love you
LesMore pleasure to meet you, we'll run some sets online soon and I can help you learn the matchup better... taught it to a few guys at CoCo a few weeks ago and they go pretty even with me now so hopefully I can help you out as well :)
soonk Way to figure out how to blow up 214; the matchup is now 8-2 kabal :(
@Quan Chi Player from Louisiana whose name I forgot: was a lot of fun playing all those sets with you. Smoke is tough for quan chi, hopefully you have a strong understanding of the matchup now and can blow up any other smokes you encounter.
Gengar Thanks to your parents for housing me and feeding me breakfast and getting me to the bus station with 30 seconds to spare:)

Shoutouts to @Greyhound for advertising "free wifi and power outlets on the bus" and then not having these things functional. most boring 8 hours of my entire life.
Shoutouts to Dizzy for taking us to such a strange restaraunt
Oh and thanks to Tom Brady and KevoDaMaN for not blowing me up too bad on commentary. I expected to be chewed up for all my errors; thanks for being gentle :)

And no, kevo, I will not money match you. Unless you want to money match at pokemon, in which case I will babality you blindfolded.


Shoutouts to all of GGA for being so open to new players, and showing up strong for this tournament.
Pig for being such a nice guy and always willing to help a struggling player out.
Kevo for not babying me.
iKizzle for sandbagging me with his rain.
Frothy Omen for being a moral supporter, and TYM Chat pal.
Gengar for the same.
Soonk and dizzy for being great players and TYM Chat pals.
STB Brainstorm for bodying me with all of his characters.
The people at dinner, for being so fucking funny (Especially Tom Brady)
Quan Chi player who I forgot, for just being happy to be there and being a really nice guy...who also blew me up with those dumb rune traps in casuals.
And anyone else I played or talked to.