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Uber Noobler !


Hola TYM community ! I've had alot of problems with getting 360s to stay working for me so I haven't been on some MK in awhile . I played alot of UMK3 on the xbl arcade , my tag was Abortifacient at the time ... but after FIVE years the "Authorities" decided my tag was inapropriate (sp?) and wanted to force me to change it . Long story short , I told them to go fornicate with themselves and they shut my account down .

Enough rambling , I play MK on the xbox and my new tag is KorpzKarnivore . Right now I'm maining ZombieKano and Nightwolf , which I never knew were used by so many top players til I came here ... I very very rarely see them used Online . I'm also working on Jax , Sektor and Kabal . While sparring with people not on my level I'll goof around with Shang Tsung .

I'm a firm believer in helping people not as good as mytself , otherwise the community online could dry up . Keeping the online skill level raised for better matches is very important I believe .