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TYM Titanfall Xbox One/360/PC Gamertag/Team


Noob Saibot
Hey guys,

We are one week away from Titanfall dropping. I wanted.to start this thread to share gamertags or PC names.to get some teams going for some fun.

Also, I would like to see if we can get a few TYM Titanfall online competitive teams going for fun and see what happens. We could possible get three or four teams for each system/PC when it comes out.

I play on the Xbox One and my tag is KU Uranium.

If.this should go elsewhere, the mods can move it. I'm not sure when the 360 version drops or when the PC versiom drops so we can discuss that also.

Xbox One - NRF iiCeMaN

Definitely interested in getting a competitive team started, I already have one friend willing to join as well that I gave a beta code to but he isn't on TYM.


Noob Saibot
Gonna add you guys shortly. Apparently the game is a 40gb install AND a 15-20gb day one patch. Looks like a.good five hour ordeal before we even get to play tonight.