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TYM Nintendo 3DS thread


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Hey guys,

Just wondering if there are any 3ds owners on TYM?

Seeing if we could share info, thoughts on the system as well as game recommendations.

I have the "Zelda package" 3ds (with triforce logos and gold trim).

I also have the circle pad pro which gives you the 2nd analog stick which IMO is absolutely essential for games like mgs3 or RE:revalations.

Game wise I have:

Zelda oot
Re revalations
Ace combat
Mario kart
Mario 3d world
Metal gear solid 3d

I highly recommend all of these games (maybe with the exception of ssf4 since it can be kind of hard to play a game that requires precice stick motions on the 3ds analog stick)

Any other 3DS guys on TYM?