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TYM beta BAnner


LOL. I just now did that you pointed it out haha.

There's a very good reason for that as I'm sure you know, if not go read my Eddy Piston's thread in Off Topic. I think that's hilarious though, apparently one of the admins here have the same mindset I do on JOP.
LOL. I just now did that you pointed it out haha.

There's a very good reason for that as I'm sure you know, if not go read my Eddy Piston's thread in Off Topic. I think that's hilarious though, apparently one of the admins here have the same mindset I do on JOP.
thanks, will do
Now that I know the reasoning it makes a lot more sense.

Personally I don't know Jop, I don't know most of the competitive fighting scene, I can't say much, but had he gone through with that and proclaimed to Evo what he planned on saying.. he could've easily killed an entire game's competitive scene, which in its own right is selfish and moronic. Just because you don't like a game doesn't mean other people don't, and you shouldn't ruin someone else's fun because you don't enjoy it.

I don't walk into games of Tennis and smack their ball out of the court in the middle of it because I don't think its competitive (analogy, I love Tennis) and although at Evo there were plenty of fighting games I don't enjoy or find fun, if I ever won any of them.. I'd stand up and thank the developers for creating a game that managed to construct a community of players that would enjoy it and has some level of competetiveness.

Respect is what the entire fighting game community these days lacks for eachother, we MK fans need to respect Capcom, respect the Anime-esque fighting games, and respect the 3D, though we may not enjoy them, though they are not competitive or fun to us, they still deserve our respect because they are our brothers and sisters regardless. For every ounce of respect we give we gain an ounce of respect, and as we gain respect we grow, and as we grow we get better as a whole. Maybe someday we could end this ceaseless back and forth of who's game is more competitive and why, but until that day comes we have to suck it up and give eachother respect period.
Agreed @shadow, but I still dont get why they bother to go through all the trouble? If I dont like a game, I dont spend hours training and playing to only rank on it. Some people really just need attention.
Agreed @shadow, but I still dont get why they bother to go through all the trouble? If I dont like a game, I dont spend hours training and playing to only rank on it. Some people really just need attention.
You underestimate fanatic fanboys.

I can't really say much, to a point I hate Tekken.. but I still respect good Tekken players.