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Two time periods/Two Universes Theory


Scary Bat
Most of this speculation comes from 'The Line' Trailer for IGAU and bits of the tie-in comic book... so spoilers I guess (well not really).

Okay so in The Line we see that many of our heroes have alternate costumes, there is a lovely thread in this forum that has pics for a lot of them. To quickly list a few Nightwing/Bloodwing, Wonder Woman/Battle Armor, Deathstroke/Unmasked, Harley/Blonde etc.

Now from the comic book tie-in and trailer we can infer that this a timeline/universe where Superman (justifiably) kind of lost it and crossed the line (see what I did there?). So we all know where this is going, Superman and a few of the other metas sort of become defacto overlords of mankind, allegedly for their own benefit.

So, the alternate costumes that appear in the story-related parts of the trailers suggest one of two settings for me.

1. Alternate universe: Fairly unlikely as they probably would have mentioned it by now if it was a story element. Regular and Alt. costumes are for our heroes in the universe where everything is what we expect it to be and the Injustice universe. It could sort of make sense, I mean in some cutscenes it seems like regular old Aquaman standing up for what's right and in other he has an evil goatee (more of a soul patch really) and seems to be waging war.

2. The story takes place over a long period of time/maybe flashbacks. Basically normal costumes are for when everything was alright and then darler/edgier costumes are for when it's all gone to hell. Harley could be blonde in the future because the original Harley was killed by Superman, Lex has a sort of silver, shinier armor because he wants to look more like a hero in the future? Ah I don't know, this one is more likely though.

Also it seems like team Batman vs. Superman, but also metas vs. non-metas (except for maybe Aquaman). It looks like Flash, Wonder Woman and Shazam all sign up for team Superman and Deathstroke, Harley and maybe Lex go with Batman.

No idea how the hell the Joker is going to fit in.

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
There just alts kinda how in MK9 they changed their costumes in the story mode. Don't think there is 2 universes.
Well 2 universes would make sense since the joker was killed by superman so either he was a clone or have one or it a multi universes story


Scary Bat
The main thing that got me thinking two universes is we can see a Sinestro corps/yellow lantern version of Hal in the trailer, basically making him an 'evil version'. This would also fit in with why Shazam's alternate looks so evil and other cillains seem more heroic/less scary looking.

However Hal becoming a yellow lantern also makes sense for the storyline as it is because if he abuses his power enforcing the law and becoming a tyrant he is basically pulling a Sinestro. Incidentally it would seem Sinestro would fit well in the storyline.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
I made a thread about this a long time ago and people said, its stupid and it wont happen, so if i does i will laugh if it doesn't im stupid haha


Paco is the best of the bunch that covers Injustice speculations on yt... non-pretentious, articulate and pleasant to listen... would love to have him in IL show

there was an article which confirms that story will shift back and forth from today and 5 years ago, and first chapter is Batman investigating Joker's escape from Arkham


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
Paco is the best of the bunch that covers Injustice speculations on yt... non-pretentious, articulate and pleasant to listen... would love to have him in IL show

there was an article which confirms that story will shift back and forth from today and 5 years ago, and first chapter is Batman investigating Joker's escape from Arkham
Agreed. Paco is the only one I trust on Injustice info/speculation. He's more accurate, and like you said, he is not pretentious and annoying. Sometimes I disagree with him, but I can still see his point of view, unlike others that speculate Injustice stuff.

Anyway, I think it's totally possible for it to be an alternate universe. The concept thus far really reminds me of the Justice League cartoon episode "A Better World", with the Justice Lords.
There might be an alternate universe or two time lines but i think that the alternate costumes are juat like in mk9 where every character as two costumes in story mode. I dont think the costumes are at all related to the plot but I could be wrong.
There just alts kinda how in MK9 they changed their costumes in the story mode. Don't think there is 2 universes.
In mk9 the alts sometimes mattered. Sub costume 2 is bihan C1 is kuai liang. Ermac costume 1 is powered down or newly created, costume 2 is fully reenerated, full power. Sindel costume 2 is neitral costume 1 is after she absorbs the souls that shang had. Cyborgs are obvious. shang in obvious (and discussed in the story). jax, obvious. kitana c2 is when she changes sides. same for jade. etc

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
In mk9 the alts sometimes mattered. Sub costume 2 is bihan C1 is kuai liang. Ermac costume 1 is powered down or newly created, costume 2 is fully reenerated, full power. Sindel costume 2 is neitral costume 1 is after she absorbs the souls that shang had. Cyborgs are obvious. shang in obvious (and discussed in the story). jax, obvious. kitana c2 is when she changes sides. same for jade. etc
Yeah I meant I think all the alts are from 1 universe not 2.


At first i thought it was a five year timeskip, but looking at the line trailer again really makes me wonder. You would notice that in the trailer pre timeskip Batman is standing over joker, surrounded by Regime soliders. Wasn't Joker killed before the new regime started? Then we see post timeskip Flash talking with pre timeskip WW, GL, Bats, and GA. Why does Flash have on his timeskip alt when the others dont? Then their are white and red colored Amazons. At first i thought it was just for certin Amazons, but now it might be earth 1 amazons and earth 2 amazons. Pre timeskip GL was then seen attacking post timeskip Superman with a green ring. Why is he not yellow? Later post timeskip Bats and pre timeskip WW are being attacked by electricity. Why is there post timeskip Bats with a pre timeskip Wondy??

Also notice in the screen shot behind Flash there is a statue of Batman holding up a pillar like the other Justice Lords.

Why is Batman considered one of the Justice Lords if he is against them. This story to me seems like a cross between Kingdom Come, Justice Lords, and Crisis on two Earths. I'm guessing that Bats and Flash went back in time(somehow) to prevent the new regime from happening.


And here i am going into this thread expecting a discussion on theoretical physics

i need to look at the sub forum line more :(