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Twitch might be sold to Google for $1 billion. RIP Twitch?

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So I hopped on twitter just now and saw that #RIPTWITCH is the number one trending thing worldwide. Apparently Google is in the process of buying Twitch for $1 billion. Nothing is confirmed as of this point but this could be potentially huge. I'm a huge fan of Twitch.tv, I'm on it more than any other website and I would hate to see it ruined by Google. If you don't know, Youtube tried to implement a streaming service at one point and it was god awful. I just hope that if this does happen, Google doesn't do something fucking stupid like making you log in with Google+ or something.

Will this lead to the rise of Hitbox or Azubu?

Source: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/gaming/2014/05/18/youtube-twitch/9258473/
This would be great.

1. They buying it straight cash, companies don't do that to shut down a service, they do that to leverage it.
2. Google's infrastructure will only make twitch better.
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