Hello gentlemen. I have a question and a suggestion regarding replay videos:
I would like to know, since quite a few of us play the MK games via MAME 90% of the time, are there any input files that have been recorded that you can share, so that those of us with MAME can watch matches via input replay files instead of via actual video files such AVI or MPEG? In my opinion, being able to watch replay matches from within the emulator itself is much more beneficial since A)The file sizes are incredibly tiny and B)You'd be watching the game *itself* being played rather than from off a video player screen, which obviously isn't as clear.
Please let me know what you guys think of this and whether there are input files floating around out there. I know there were plenty on 2DF's old site but unfortunately none for MK since FBA doesn't support it.
If there are not, I think we should make this an option and tell those who participate in Kaillera tourneys to make sure they record their matches via MAME's input recording feature.