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Trying to learn

Since I never actually touched a MK game unless you countt me randomly playing when I was 5 I don't know exactly what is going on

So what exactly should I be trying to learn first? Whats a basic strategy and mixup

I know there are MK guides here are they worth reading leading into the release of MK9 ?


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Pick a character that fits your style

Go in to practice mode and get a feel for all of their moves, and try to weed out the uselss/slow moves

Get a handle on specials, know them well

Now, try some combos, start out short and comfortable at first and just go with the flow.

You need to have a chararacter(s) that fits your style first though.

See if that helps you. :)
Since I never actually touched a MK game unless you countt me randomly playing when I was 5 I don't know exactly what is going on

So what exactly should I be trying to learn first? Whats a basic strategy and mixup

I know there are MK guides here are they worth reading leading into the release of MK9 ?
This site is gonna have HELLA guides by the time this game is out. If you really want help, give it a few days and let the seasoned players find stuff out for you, then just read read read ;)



Basically whatever everyone else has said. It's like any other game. Spend as much time as you can praciticing and things should come together.
Something that is vital to remember (but was touched on above):

Different characters play differently.

Play the way the character is meant to be played; don't try to force your style on the character. How you play may not necessarily be the way a certain character is meant to be played. (If you are really aggressive, for instance, playing defensive character might cause you problems.)

Really skilled players have a lot more latitude than the rest of us, obviously, but I suspect that most competitive players understand how the characters are MEANT to be played.


Since I never actually touched a MK game unless you countt me randomly playing when I was 5 I don't know exactly what is going on

So what exactly should I be trying to learn first? Whats a basic strategy and mixup

I know there are MK guides here are they worth reading leading into the release of MK9 ?
Though it would be fun to post a response.

I would recommend learning the core moves first. The moves everyone has, and master their properties (When to use timing wise, and setup zones to utilize them:

1. Uppercut
2. Sweep
3. Jump Kick
4. Anti-Air Jump Kick
5. Deep Jump Kick
6. Throw and Crouch Throw.

I can best the noobs with a character I haven't mastered, simply by using those moves.
If they are standing and blocking sweep or throw...if they are crouch blocking, throw...

After you've mastered the core moves, learn your favorite fighters quickest combo/attack that hits:
1-Mid (This is often the bread/butter opener)

And then just focus on zoning to use those moves.
Thanks everybody for the input wish i had asked for help going into SF like this haha.
Just hate learning stuff on my own as my friends arent really into fighting games.

Watching these few streams also helped somewhat - game looks pretty sick.