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Training Mode - Armor Glitch


So this is a training mode only glitch that I discovered. I don't know if it was already known but here it is:

Instructions and Results:
If you go to training mode and do mb b3 / mb f3 / any bounce cancel, then while holding bf / f3, press select to reset. The next move to hit you will get absorbed, do anything you want and you will still absorb the hit. You can literally just stand there, and you will absorb the hit, LIKE A BOSS.

The Reasoning behind it:
The system was designed to give you one hit of armor once you do mb b3 / mb f3 / any bounce cancel and take it away once you hit someone, get hit, or dash out. Since you will reset training mode before any of this happens, the one hit of armor will still be registered as unused. However, if you wait long enough, about 2.5 seconds, the system will take away the hit armor as a safety measure.