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tournament mode


Ok so from what I know when you select tournament mode (1,1,1-1,1,1) the only gameplay difference is that the first attack doesnt give you a full bar of meter. I hear people complaining about the free bar eliminating any comeback factor for the person that doesnt get it. Anyone know anything about this and/or why it isn't tournament standard?


Button Masher
that bar of meter can make or break a game. say you got first hit but you mess up and a cyrax punishes you. well theres 60-70% because you didnt get that first bar of meter for a breaker cause you did tournament mode.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
I think a lot of it is to do with hype. First hit can be very intense, and I'm sure most players actually enjoy the feature.


Not really. Meter is very important but that first bar doesn't really decide the round as much as you'd like to think. I think most people have gotten used and accept the first hit bonus by now.

Tournamnet mode also disables foreground objects. I think the reason its not enforced is just because it would be annoying to monitor and make sure everybody always does tournament mode. That and like I said not many people really have that much of a problem with the first hit bonus. Tbh I like it, it adds some more excitement to the start of the match when your both trying to get it.


I understand that, but in this game a lot of times you can convert that first hit into a 30 percent combo. The argument seems to.be that this puts the game in favor of the person who gets the first hit AND the breaker, with little or no.chance for player two depending on the matchup. I've seen threads with people arguing about "unfair advantage" and so forth, but I say just get that first hit then son. Just wondering if anybody knew of tournaments or anything that used it.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
I won matches where I haven't gotten the first hit before. Hell, I got hit once, and went on to destroy this Reptile I was playing. So whoever gets the first hit, doesn't really win that round by default.


OmegaK nailed it. It isn't the tournament standard because first attack brings massive hype. It's easily one of the most exciting parts of a match at high level.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
OmegaK nailed it. It isn't the tournament standard because first attack brings massive hype. It's easily one of the most exciting parts of a match at high level.
The blood, gore, and the sexy xrays aren't hype as well. How about the epic combos sir?