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Tournament format discussion, 1v1 or 2v2?

Hi guys,

I'm totally new to Mortal Kombat. After my first week, I'm loving this game. It's so sick, the flow is dope, and x ray (even though they're really really good) doesn't make the game feel stupid like comeback mechanics in other fighting games (cough x-factor cough).

Recently I've been exploring the 2v2 tag mode, and i gotta say, it's pretty awesome. I was really skeptical about it before the game came out, but the system seems totally legit so far. So my question to all the tournament veterans out there: Should this game be played as 1v1 or 2v2? Right now, it seems 1v1 is by and large the more popular way to play, casually and competitively. But as time progresses and more people try out 2v2, should tournaments switch to that format if it's decided that it's competitively legit?
Why it have to be one or another? why not both? other games can have single and team tournament and only have 1v1, this have 1v1 and 2v2 so at least a team tournaments seam to have a litter more meaning.
Just to clarify, by 2v2 I don't mean a team of two people vs. another 2 people. I mean, 1 player controlling a 2 character team.

And i think having both would not realistically happen at major tournaments like EVO. So for example, MK9 will be at EVO this summer. Will the official EVO MK9 tournament be 1v1 or 2v2? Because EVO for sure will not host two MK9 tournaments. One format has to be picked.
Just to clarify, by 2v2 I don't mean a team of two people vs. another 2 people. I mean, 1 player controlling a 2 character team.

And i think having both would not realistically happen at major tournaments like EVO. So for example, MK9 will be at EVO this summer. Will the official EVO MK9 tournament be 1v1 or 2v2? Because EVO for sure will not host two MK9 tournaments. One format has to be picked.
That because people don't really had too much hope for the new MK game, now that it has proven to be quite good, if it get popular it may get room for more than just 1 tournament.