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Totally new to fighters: What character should I start with?


Any suggestions guys? I hardly ever played fighters...
I've tried Mileena and like her a lot.
Subzero is alright too.
I am REALLY NEW to fighters...
Is Mileena a good starter or should I pick up another character to start off MK with?


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
Heres what I would do...go to training mode, go thru each and every character (it will take time, not that much tho.) and do all of their moves. Do all of their target combos, figure out wich combos lead to wich specials. Maybe look on here for each guy and do some of the combos found. Once you do this with EVERYONE you will get a good sense of who feels right for you. You cant just look at a post that says "reptile is top tier, look at these sick combos!" cuz guess what, you might not be able to do those combos cuz u will need alien technology finger speed. So some guys will be useless to you. However, you might use liu kang and find that all his moves flow for you and u can bust out all sorts of stuff.

So try everyone u can possibly conceive using and find out who comes natural to you.


Heres what I would do...go to training mode, go thru each and every character (it will take time, not that much tho.) and do all of their moves. Do all of their target combos, figure out wich combos lead to wich specials. Maybe look on here for each guy and do some of the combos found. Once you do this with EVERYONE you will get a good sense of who feels right for you. You cant just look at a post that says "reptile is top tier, look at these sick combos!" cuz guess what, you might not be able to do those combos cuz u will need alien technology finger speed. So some guys will be useless to you. However, you might use liu kang and find that all his moves flow for you and u can bust out all sorts of stuff.

So try everyone u can possibly conceive using and find out who comes natural to you.
I don't have a good understanding of fighters, and while this is a well written and well done suggestion, I just don't think its good. This genre is completely foreign to me and you are telling me to try every character and pick one. When I have a really hard time understanding how the genre works, i don't think I should be choosing between so many characters.
I don't care about tier lists, or who I will DO BEST with, I just want to know whos an easy character to start with to learn the game. If they are easy and easy to learn the game using, but will make me have a .2 win/loss ratio, I don't really care.

Just what character introduces the games mechanics best?
Raiden is really simple to use at a basic level, and his BnB combo does 20% damage and is only :l+:fk,:fp,:bp,:l:r:fk, he also has a teleport, and a fireball so he is versatile, efficient and have an awesome alt costume.
honestly asking for a character to use doesn't really work. You said you liked using Mileena so use her, practice her combos, learn her strengths and weaknesses and practice with her. Using that character you actually like to play aswill always be the best character for you.


Every character can be "easy" with practice. The suggestion, "try all characters", was honestly the only answer you can get if you're not happy with Mileena or Sub Zero.

MK9 is not like the other fighters such as Street Fighter. MK9 is also a new game where many are in the same situation as you are. Just do trial and error and find out on your own.

I have no experience with MK in general. I picked up the game and within an hour I was already doing meterless 30-40 percent combos. The game is easy to pick up in general; its just hard when you go against good players. Also, I have played many other fighting games which helps out with my experience.

tldr; try out all the characters and find out the one that suits you.


I started with Liu kang at the 1st place. I'ts the only character 4 now what i know some combos/juggle about 50% dmg. 2nd is jax. I'm not the person who has the imagination to create combos by myself. I always looking at internet forums. I can't find 4 jax at now. Demo i played with Cage. With scorpion i passed last challenge in challenge tower. I used only teleport and uppercuts. At 1 moment i used spear and 3 hit combos or unblockable down,back+BP
Any suggestions guys? I hardly ever played fighters...
I've tried Mileena and like her a lot.
Subzero is alright too.
I am REALLY NEW to fighters...
Is Mileena a good starter or should I pick up another character to start off MK with?
Stick to Mileena. I say this because if you really like a character aka they click with you, you're more likely to put in more effort since you enjoy the character so much. Because you like the character you want to know what they can do.