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Top 5 US players currently.


"Strength isn't everything"
Hi guys.

The US tournament scene has seen some great matches and events recently, but it has been clear to me and most likely to allot of other people watching that there are currently five stand out players that have levelled up and are out in front at the moment amongst the current players, but how long can it last, so we might as well make a list about it...we love lists.

1. Reo
2. Pig
3. Maxter
4. Dizzy
5. 16 Bit

This is no particular order, apart from Reo strictly based on his last MLG performance in which he looked untouchable.

I think NEC will come down to these four again, (with the exception of Pig obviously), with CDjr and PL pushing in.

Any thoughts? These five deserve mad credit, they are playing the game better than anyone right now in my opinion.


I feel like ranking them by groups:

2-Pig, Maxter, Dizzy
3- 16 Bit, PL.

At the moment, of course.


Online Scrub Lord
I think 16 bit made a top ten thread like this, but why not:

2.Perfect Legend
3, Cd Jr
4. Maxter
5. Pig of the Hut