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tom brady it is christmas time for you


Agreed that it does look fake... but it also makes a lot of sense with WB really needing GL to do well at the box office. But if it were real, I'd think WB would want this announced earlier than now... or maybe not.

I could see WB paying for the license in an effort to boost GL buzz though. Before the ShoWest/WonderCon footage, there was practically no buzz around GL.

This wouldn't benefit Tom much though. He only used GL because of his tier placement. Given the revamped mechanics of MK9 (compared to MKDC), it's unlikely GL would still be top tier. At least, not in his MKDC form.

GL > Voldy...


After looking at the video a few more times, the aspects that make it look fake, could just be the design NRS is using. If I saw a select screen pic of Smoke (without any prior confirmation that he was in the game), I might think that was fake too.

Still think it's fake, but... hmm...


If you have any issues, please use the PM system.

Stop derailing this thread.


SgtSektor said:
i dont know how you became mod but you dont deseve to be one
Let this post be an example to EVERYONE about how NOT to adress a moderator.

Sgt. Sektor, While I understand your frustration with an infraction that you think you didn't deserve, you can address the situation via PM with the moderator who infracted you and discuss the situation. What will not be tolerated is you questioning the integrity of the moderator as well as questioning the decision of the administration as to WHO gets to be a moderator. Everyone appreciates your contrubutions to the community, but that doesn't give you a license to talk to moderators that way.