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Today was an unlucky day...


Ascended One
So I was ready to go to Gamestop to get my PS4 and my brothers insisted on coming with me to trade in our PS3 stuff with me. Well I let my brother drive which in hindsight was a bad idea. Long story short we got into an accident. Everyone including me is fine as far as we know. But we ended up losing our car while the other had next to no damage AND my brother got a ticket. So I'm not sure if I should try to get it tomorrow or just say "Screw it" and stick with my PS3 for another few months. Until USFIV comes out.


You know your financial situation better than we do, so your judgment is best unless you want to give us some specific numbers as to how much the ticket and car repair costs (if applicable) affect your spending ability.


Heart of A Champion, Skill of a Noob :P
The next gen consoles are big money investment. Plus there are already talks of special editions of the consoles coming out. Wait for USFIV maybe a special edition will come that catches your fancy. If you invest now, it doesn't change the dead zone that is PS4 at the moment. My opinion is to wait and recover from the financial hit that the accident caused. You avoid dealing with the issues PS4 has now which will be fixed by the time you pickup the console if you choose to get it as well as possibly having deals come out as the time progresses. Again this is just my opinion, I am sorry to hear about the accident. Glad to hear no one was gravely injured.


Uh, holy crap.

Normally, I would say that you should definently not get the system. However, upon further reflection, it appears that you're going to get the PS4 either way, just that in one situation you get it now and in the other you get it a few months from now. So technically, the money is going to be spent either way, meaning that you gain nothing by waiting, except maybe the 20-50 dollars cheaper it might be at that time.

edit: shinobi has some good points though regarding the improvement of the system over time.