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tiny april fools joke


Master of Quanculations
warning: pointless story ahead

My friend Alex typed to me on skype that she was watching Bones, and there was an episode with Robert Englund in it. Then, she asked me "Do you know who Robert Englund is?"

I was fucking shocked. Someone who's known me for 6 years and knows I'm a horror, one that has spent months construction full horror costumes for movie premieres and anime costume conventions, and she asks me if I know who Robert Englund is.

So I left on the opportunity to fuck with her. After a quick IMDB search of his filmography I was ready to have some fun. Here's the conversation:

Alex: you know who robert englund is though?

Mayo: yeah, he's that guy that was on Charmed

Alex: Hes Freddy Kreuger

Mayo: who?

Alex: ...

Mayo: ok yeah
thats the same guy?

Alex: who are you and why are yout alking to me?

Mayo: Gammil from Charmed?

Alex: oh i guess its the same guy but that is not what hes known for

Mayo: so he was one of the killers in friday the 13th?

Alex: ...

Mayo: what?
fuck. its not that one

Alex: Friday the 13th is Jason Voorhees

Mayo: is it this guy? youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ

Then it was over. Had a damn good laugh.