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Time for introductions

Emperor Eevee

Learn to take a joke pal!
Hello Test Your Might Forums, my name is Paul Ron Ozon Jermin Dontae Dwayne Mitchell ( yes that is my full name on my birth certificate) I normally go by my gamer tag, FF K. Rung. I play Super Smash Bros and now Injustice. I'm an "Ok" player at Injustice, by that I mean I understand MUs and such things, i just have bad habits that cost me a lot in matches.(Mainly Jumping!!). In Super Smash Bros. I main MK/Kirby and in Injustice, I main Black Adam and I mess around lot with Yellow Latern and Harley Quinn. I also live in Ohio near the Dayton area so if anyone wants to play, just hit me up on here or send me a message on my Xbox gamer tag under "Kikaru Rung".
I am also a Brony.download.jpg


A prop on the stage of life.
Hello Test Your Might Forums, my name is Paul Ron Ozon Jermin Dontae Dwayne Mitchell ( yes that is my full name on my birth certificate) I normally go by my gamer tag, FF K. Rung. I play Super Smash Bros and now Injustice. I'm an "Ok" player at Injustice, by that I mean I understand MUs and such things, i just have bad habits that cost me a lot in matches.(Mainly Jumping!!). In Super Smash Bros. I main MK/Kirby and in Injustice, I main Black Adam and I mess around lot with Yellow Latern and Harley Quinn. I also live in Ohio near the Dayton area so if anyone wants to play, just hit me up on here or send me a message on my Xbox gamer tag under "Kikaru Rung".
I am also a Brony.

Welcome, care to join us in our club house? :)

Also, do you have any interest in MK9?
Hold on... does the term "bronies" refer to adult males that like My Little Pony?
"Bronies" can apply to both male and female fans of MLP:FiM, that are outside the target demographic of 6 year-old girls. However, there is an alternative for females who would prefer it: Pegasis.

Despite the show being intended for little girls, the developers were kind enough to make it a show that can be enjoyed by adults, presumably to prevent the suffering of parents that are forced to watch TV with their child.