Emperor Eevee
Learn to take a joke pal!
Hello Test Your Might Forums, my name is Paul Ron Ozon Jermin Dontae Dwayne Mitchell ( yes that is my full name on my birth certificate) I normally go by my gamer tag, FF K. Rung. I play Super Smash Bros and now Injustice. I'm an "Ok" player at Injustice, by that I mean I understand MUs and such things, i just have bad habits that cost me a lot in matches.(Mainly Jumping!!). In Super Smash Bros. I main MK/Kirby and in Injustice, I main Black Adam and I mess around lot with Yellow Latern and Harley Quinn. I also live in Ohio near the Dayton area so if anyone wants to play, just hit me up on here or send me a message on my Xbox gamer tag under "Kikaru Rung".
I am also a Brony.
I am also a Brony.