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[Tier List] Twitch emote tier list


Since we all love tier lists i decided to make a tier list aswell!

S+ Kappa, PJSalt, Wutface, KappaHD (Pay2Win Emote. Broken)
S PogChamp, EleGiggle, NotLikeThis, KappaPride, HeyGuys, Kreygasm
A ResidentSleeper, BibleThump, 4Head
B KappaWealth, TheThing
D All other emotes

Kappa and its variations are dominating the high level play. Surely nerf hammer will hit soon.

Discuss :DOGE
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"One mind, one blade."
I agree with the tier list, but honestly, 4head isn't that good in my opinion. Very stream dependent, bad pixel data, and has many losing matchups to other twitch emotes. I'd move it down to B+ tier. Also, kappa needs to be nerfed.....kappa.