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Thumb fatigue?


Well thats quite the thread title name now isn't it.....?

Ok take a second and get all the dirty jokes out of your system.....

Alrighty moving on

Playing last night and over the last couple weeks for hours a night. I've noticed a problem... It seems like my thumb just gets tired and doesn't do the inputs right anymore.

By the end of the night last night I could barely set up a vortex, (And people who've played me know I can set them up fine normally) jip f4, spear was a complete and TOTAL NIGHTMARE! either I wouldn't hit forward 4 right or I wouldn't hit the spear right and would waste punishment damn near every time. I really just started looking like garbage.....

It got to the point where I wouldn't hit the forward 2 right in the vortex and my follow up tele would bounce off and I'd eat a combo every time when THE COMBO WAS MINE TO GIVE!

I noticed in practice afterwards that my thumb was doing this weird twitch thing like inputting way too fast, or not sliding across the dpad right for tele, or just not responding right at all.... I tried to slow it down but I just did not have the execution I normally do at all.....

This has happened a few times after playing alot.... My question is have you other players run into this and what can I do to prevent it?

Any (semi intelligient) feedback is always appreciated guys



kung lao swag walker
i guess its either form just normal lack of sleep or could be that your hungry or something wither way i say rake a break form it bro and let your thumbs get some rest


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Ya, I am complete trash if 1) My hands are cold or 2) I am weak from hunger or something. Never fails.


Filthy Casual
I don't get fatigue, but I think I've been playing to much that the past 2 months I wake up and for most of the day if I move my thumb back it feels like it is popping out of the join, makes certain things very uncomfortable.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Might just be nerves and/or frustration botching your punish, but fatigue is natural all the same man, I've got a permanent "SNES thumb" back from trying to pull off Bison's shit in SF2, lol


kung lao swag walker
i have a pretty steady hand since i draw and spen hour upon hours in photoshop and illustrator so i rarely get any fatigue going through my hands lol, but you could probably get through this at some point


I did just start back up seriously about two weeks ago so my thumbs probably still getting used to things.....


Its just a mind fuck because it's like man.... If I do this at UFTG in May........ I won't make it past the first damn round..... I shudder to think what 16's Kitana or Dizzys Cage would do to me


cold hands give me problems for sure, other than that the only times any of my fingers get fatigued is if i play high input characters like stryker or kabal for several hours without stop. That many Back-Forwards really gets to me after awhile