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Thoughts on MK10 character design

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
MK9 caught some flak from people in the Capcom circles for having boring characters that we're all basically the same. Meaning same size, all get a fireball, all get a screen advancing move and other things like that.

With Injustice, NRS showed us that they were willing to go much further with character design. We finally got big characters like Bane and Doomsday. We got characters with no projectiles, a character that could fly. I personally dug it.

Do you guys think MK10 will get the same treatment? I'd like to see some variance in design. What kind of things would you like to see?


That's about right.
It has never dawned on me that every single character had a projectile from MK9. That's pretty crazy lol. I'm all for the cast having advancing normals, it makes a interesting whiff punishing/footsie game. I do, however, hope there is more diversity in character design. I feel like adding Bo Rai Cho is a step forward, assuming they do. I'd play that drunk and have a good time.



Grundy think you handsome!
MK9 caught some flak from people in the Capcom circles for having boring characters that we're all basically the same.
Don't bring this up, SF characters have that ugly anime shit going on. Its like League of Legends vs Dota 2 all over again.
I used to think that giving everyone a projectile was a bit silly (mostly characters like Sonya who seriously don't need it), but all things considered, it's one of the main things that makes MK stand out from other 2D fighters. Much like the block button, it's not going anywhere.

Though anyone who claims that all MK characters are 'basically the same' clearly hasn't played it for very long. The characters have just as much variance in play styles as characters in Street Fighter do - the only real difference in that regard is that MK is generally slanted more towards offense whilst Street Fighter is slanted towards defense. Just because there are many tools that everyone has one of (such as projectiles) doesn't mean they're used in the same or even similar ways.

I personally think that NRS are onto a winner with the track they were going down with MK9. Obviously the balance needs fixing, but the core engine is pretty damn solid. Not to mention that it's one of the only fighting games other than Tekken that uses a 'one button per limb' system (seriously, why don't more fighting games use that? It's genius!)

There are only a few changes I'd like to see to the basic character/game design:
* Get rid of stance switch. Seriously, it's pointless.
* Unique air normals a la Injustice
* More ground strings (ideally double the number in MK9, though I appreciate that that's rather a tall order...)
* Change. The. Damn. Meter System. Gaining zero meter from actually hitting with attacks, yet tons from having them blocked, is ridiculous. Significantly decrease meter gained from blocked attacks, and correspondingly increase the amount of meter gained from attacks that connect.
* Maybe tone down block damage slightly. Don't get me wrong, I love the block damage in MK, but it gets a bit excessive at times. A string that does, say, 9% damage if connected, should maybe do 2.5% on block, not 4% as currently.

With respect to characters having different amounts of health... that could certainly be interesting, so long as it's not too extreme. Sheeva having, for example, 10% more health than average, and Cyrax and Kabal having 10% less, would work pretty well. But no bigger leeway than 10%.

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
It has never dawned on me that every single character had a projectile from MK9. That's pretty crazy lol. I'm all for the cast having advancing normals, it makes a interesting whiff punishing/footsie game. I do, however, hope there is more diversity in character design. I feel like adding Bo Rai Cho is a step forward, assuming they do. I'd play that drunk and have a good time.

Playbe Goro could be fun. He'd be a big mother fucker. I'm also hopeful we'll get Bo Rai Cho. I love a fat character. Haha.

Edit: If they put in an armor based character like Bane, I might just have to pick him up. Bane was one of the most ridiculous, yet awesome character designs.

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
There are only a few changes I'd like to see to the basic character/game design:
* Get rid of stance switch. Seriously, it's pointless.
* Unique air normals a la Injustice
* More ground strings (ideally double the number in MK9, though I appreciate that that's rather a tall order...)
* Change. The. Damn. Meter System. Gaining zero meter from actually hitting with attacks, yet tons from having them blocked, is ridiculous. Significantly decrease meter gained from blocked attacks, and correspondingly increase the amount of meter gained from attacks that connect.
* Maybe tone down block damage slightly. Don't get me wrong, I love the block damage in MK, but it gets a bit excessive at times. A string that does, say, 9% damage if connected, should maybe do 2.5% on block, not 4% as currently.
I'm pretty much a fan of everything you wrote there.


Alone is where to find me.
I used to think that giving everyone a projectile was a bit silly (mostly characters like Sonya who seriously don't need it), but all things considered, it's one of the main things that makes MK stand out from other 2D fighters. Much like the block button, it's not going anywhere.

Though anyone who claims that all MK characters are 'basically the same' clearly hasn't played it for very long. The characters have just as much variance in play styles as characters in Street Fighter do - the only real difference in that regard is that MK is generally slanted more towards offense whilst Street Fighter is slanted towards defense. Just because there are many tools that everyone has one of (such as projectiles) doesn't mean they're used in the same or even similar ways.

I personally think that NRS are onto a winner with the track they were going down with MK9. Obviously the balance needs fixing, but the core engine is pretty damn solid. Not to mention that it's one of the only fighting games other than Tekken that uses a 'one button per limb' system (seriously, why don't more fighting games use that? It's genius!)

There are only a few changes I'd like to see to the basic character/game design:
* Get rid of stance switch. Seriously, it's pointless.
* Unique air normals a la Injustice
* More ground strings (ideally double the number in MK9, though I appreciate that that's rather a tall order...)
* Change. The. Damn. Meter System. Gaining zero meter from actually hitting with attacks, yet tons from having them blocked, is ridiculous. Significantly decrease meter gained from blocked attacks, and correspondingly increase the amount of meter gained from attacks that connect.
* Maybe tone down block damage slightly. Don't get me wrong, I love the block damage in MK, but it gets a bit excessive at times. A string that does, say, 9% damage if connected, should maybe do 2.5% on block, not 4% as currently.

With respect to characters having different amounts of health... that could certainly be interesting, so long as it's not too extreme. Sheeva having, for example, 10% more health than average, and Cyrax and Kabal having 10% less, would work pretty well. But no bigger leeway than 10%.
Agreed with most of the things you mentioned.

Twice as many ground strings are not really necessary, provided that all strings are useful. MK9 had a lot of strings that you would almost never use in a serious match. NRS just has to try and eliminate those and it should be fine. About 10 strings per character seems enough to me as long as all are relevant in some way.


"On your Knees!"
I used to think that giving everyone a projectile was a bit silly (mostly characters like Sonya who seriously don't need it), but all things considered, it's one of the main things that makes MK stand out from other 2D fighters. Much like the block button, it's not going anywhere.

Though anyone who claims that all MK characters are 'basically the same' clearly hasn't played it for very long. The characters have just as much variance in play styles as characters in Street Fighter do - the only real difference in that regard is that MK is generally slanted more towards offense whilst Street Fighter is slanted towards defense. Just because there are many tools that everyone has one of (such as projectiles) doesn't mean they're used in the same or even similar ways.

I personally think that NRS are onto a winner with the track they were going down with MK9. Obviously the balance needs fixing, but the core engine is pretty damn solid. Not to mention that it's one of the only fighting games other than Tekken that uses a 'one button per limb' system (seriously, why don't more fighting games use that? It's genius!)

There are only a few changes I'd like to see to the basic character/game design:
* Get rid of stance switch. Seriously, it's pointless.
* Unique air normals a la Injustice
* More ground strings (ideally double the number in MK9, though I appreciate that that's rather a tall order...)
* Change. The. Damn. Meter System. Gaining zero meter from actually hitting with attacks, yet tons from having them blocked, is ridiculous. Significantly decrease meter gained from blocked attacks, and correspondingly increase the amount of meter gained from attacks that connect.
* Maybe tone down block damage slightly. Don't get me wrong, I love the block damage in MK, but it gets a bit excessive at times. A string that does, say, 9% damage if connected, should maybe do 2.5% on block, not 4% as currently.

With respect to characters having different amounts of health... that could certainly be interesting, so long as it's not too extreme. Sheeva having, for example, 10% more health than average, and Cyrax and Kabal having 10% less, would work pretty well. But no bigger leeway than 10%.
I like the stance switch, its funny as hell when you are trolling someone online. Its like a little dance the characters do when you keep pressing it repeatdly.