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Thoughts on match-up numbers and tier lists

So if one is to agree that there are players that can play specific character(s) at the highest level, could then a high level player using a low tier character beat another high level player using a high tier character? Case in point: Sheeva vs Kabal.

So then taking this scenario into account (or a similar one from your game of choice), if that Sheeva player knows how to punish mistakes, counter and evade Kabal's nomad dash cancel pressure and instant air gas blasts because they trained very hard for this situation, then wouldn't match-up numbers be specific to every individual player? In essence rendering a "general" match-up chart inapplicable to all people. Sounds like a paradox to me but I just wanted everyone's thoughts on the matter.


It really comes down to the player in general; if the Kabal doesn't know how to play against Sheeva, then this match-up could very easily be won. At an equally high level that Sheeva's going to have to work overtime trying to get in and under Kabal's stupid shit.

Match-ups shouldn't be something you base everything around; from my understanding, it's generally an assessment of the character's tools against each other and see which has the better tools for the match.

G4S Ermacio

Orbs... Orbs everywhere
if a kabal played a sheeva(of approx. the same skill level) then i would win because my tools 7-8 out of 10 times because if they both know the matchup (which is assumed when making a matchup chart) then the kabal can counter almost everything sheeva does

edit: what i was trying to get across was a matchup chart is saying that both players know the match up and are playing there characters at the hightest possible level thats why for example kabal beats reptile 6-4(maybe 5-5) but i will lose constantly in the MU because im free to reptile, but that doesnt change the matchup, just my ability to play it


I'd bet a few people probably dont know the Stryker match up still, mostly down to a lack of said players, and as a result, gives the rare Stryker players an advantage.

Remember NEO Russels Jade vs Soonks Kabal at NEC? NEO Russel nearly caused an upset. Does it mean that Jade goes even with Kabal? Not really, but lack of match up experience can be a big deal.