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Thought I'd say hi


Loud and Klear~
Sup TYM, thought i'd introduce myself as I'll (hopefully) be sticking around for a while.

this is mainly a copy/paste of an intro from another forum (with slight adjustments):

I've been a member of alot of forums (mostly for fighting games, and Models) but I've never been a member of an MK one, I'm loving MK9 so far and hopefully I'll get to meet some cool MK fans along with learning stuff about this series.
this is my first MK game competitively, i tried to get into all of them (especially MKvsDC) but they were really horrible games or had no scene for me to try to play it seriously.

anyway, aside from Videogames I usually spend my time playing Drawing, Collecting (watches, arcade sticks, games, anime/manga, Traveling etc etc

some general info about me to close this off:

Age: 20
Games (Favorites): Tekken, KoF, No More Heroes, DMC, Street Fighter, Castlevania
Games (competitive): MvC3, Tekken 6, AH3, SSF4, and hopefully MK9
Games (casual): GGAC, KoF2k2UM & XI, BBCS, CvS2, 3s, ST

Well thats it I guess, if you still wanna know anything just ask.
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