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This dude is amazing.


Dojo Trainee
I've honestly never seen this before and when I first saw it tonight I was amazed.​
I was the only one that believed he would do something amazing while​
the rest of my family was laughing/creeped out at him.​
Just goes to show that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.​
Just thought i'd share.​
He obv is sitting on something when smoke bomb hits you can see him hop and pull some contraption out from beneath that man skirt


Filthy Casual
Yeah not to be a downer OP but ALL magic we see as entertainment is illusion/sleight of hand. While it's impressive, entertaining, and certainly takes skill to execute...it's not supernatural at all.


Get staffed bro
Yes, but it was nicely done.

His "setup" didn't resemble the one in the video so his was obviously hard to pull off.
It was a nice trick and the fact I had to look it up shows that. His stick obviously had to attach to both the ground and the section in his sleeve. I thought it could have done without the smoke explosion at the end as it took away the simplicity of it. I guess it kind of 'hid' how he detached from it though.

I'm disappointed by TYMs critical thinking capacity though. ;)


Dojo Trainee
It was a nice trick and the fact I had to look it up shows that. His stick obviously had to attach to both the ground and the section in his sleeve. I thought it could have done without the smoke explosion at the end as it took away the simplicity of it. I guess it kind of 'hid' how he detached from it though.

I'm disappointed by TYMs critical thinking capacity though. ;)
There's no "critical thinking" involved with just saying it was impressively done.

The fact that you're going through all this and trying to explain what I obviously already know tells me that some people have too much time on their hands. ;)


Get staffed bro
There's no "critical thinking" involved with just saying it was impressively done.

The fact that you're going through all this and trying to explain what I obviously already know tells me that some people have too much time on their hands. ;)
Damn, no need to be a douche. I just like to break things down and understand them.