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Things I still don't have a good response for.


Motor City Warrior
1. Skarlet's teleport: Am I crazy or does this thing home in on you and also be safe on block? How do I punish this move.

2. Wiffed Quan Stomp: Yes I know it can be blocked, but when its wiffed am I subject to a free mix up. Sometimes I feel like I get stuck in a loop of wiffed stomp-combo-trance-repeat.

3. Kenshi: The only character I have success with VS Kenshi is Sindel, I can't seam to get throw his wall of telekinetic moves if I try to be aggressive.

4. Cyrax: Apart form using Raiden and teleporting behind him, I don't have a consistant defence for his bomb and net game.

So pointers on any of that would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Fatality XBL

Red-eye Ragin'
Yeah these are some common totally punishable things that look safe because of the netcode online, and the input lag and shit online.

1. You just have to bait this. Skarlet players love to use this on wakeup and just to throw out randomly. Just be ready for it and dash in bnb. If your having trouble dashing in, just punish with a throw.

2. When you see this, dash block. If the Quan player moves it to land in front of you, you will block it. If he doesn't move it at all, you'll block it. If he moves it behind you, on reaction you can dash in fast normal or poke. Or if you're too slow and he lands, you can i) NJP to stop a crossover ii) cross Quan up if he goes for a mixup off the ground iii) fast D+1 or D+3.

3. Dash block, dash block, dask block. Predict overheads and teleflurrys. Don't jump at Kenshi unless he wiffs shoulder or something and even then its risky. Just watch for shoulder and punish him when possible.

4. Bombs are easy to avoid, just dash block lol. Bait punishable nets. A lot of characters can punish the net at different spacings so dash block and if you're close enough and he bombs, dash-in punish with bnb or whatever.

Man just scare the zoners. Dash-in fakes, pokes, and punishes to their zoning is what you have to do. Jump a net to JIP combo. Block and punish a shoulder that's too close. Time your punishes right and if you hate zoners, pick a character with armor lol.


Motor City Warrior
Yeah these are some common totally punishable things that look safe because of the netcode online, and the input lag and shit online.

1. You just have to bait this. Skarlet players love to use this on wakeup and just to throw out randomly. Just be ready for it and dash in bnb. If your having trouble dashing in, just punish with a throw.

2. When you see this, dash block. If the Quan player moves it to land in front of you, you will block it. If he doesn't move it at all, you'll block it. If he moves it behind you, on reaction you can dash in fast normal or poke. Or if you're too slow and he lands, you can i) NJP to stop a crossover ii) cross Quan up if he goes for a mixup off the ground iii) fast D+1 or D+3.

3. Dash block, dash block, dask block. Predict overheads and teleflurrys. Don't jump at Kenshi unless he wiffs shoulder or something and even then its risky. Just watch for shoulder and punish him when possible.

4. Bombs are easy to avoid, just dash block lol. Bait punishable nets. A lot of characters can punish the net at different spacings so dash block and if you're close enough and he bombs, dash-in punish with bnb or whatever.

Man just scare the zoners. Dash-in fakes, pokes, and punishes to their zoning is what you have to do. Jump a net to JIP combo. Block and punish a shoulder that's too close. Time your punishes right and if you hate zoners, pick a character with armor lol.
Good stuff, and thank you. I don't hate zoners I am one myself so its not surprising my solution is more aggression lol.


For Skarlet's teleport, just use your character's fastest combo starter and you should be fine, although for certain characters the window is pretty tight.