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The XBox One's Official Policies


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
-24 hour DRM. (Console checks in once every 24 hours online)
-1 hour DRM if not using home console.
-Mandatory Kinect.
-No renting, no loaning. No private sales (unless selling to someone who has been on your friends list for 30 days)
-Internet connection required.
-Trade-ins are up to the publisher and only at "participating" retailers.
+You can give a game to a friend only if they have been on your friends list for 30 days, and then only ONCE.
+Up to 10 family members can play your games from any console at any time? You & one other at a time.

Kinect is still required to be plugged in and will have options for privacy.

My take on this insanity is DO NOT BUY THE X-BOX-1, though used game fees are not happeneing, used games will only be happening at APPROVED RETAILERS, and the PUBLISHERS will have FULL CONTROL over DRM measures to be used to prevent used game sales. Every aspect here is a restriction to the user, they will control every aspect of it and you have no say so, even though you paid FULL PRICE. If you don't make your 24 hour check in, you get 1 hour left to game and then your only allowed use the DVD player.

Any thoughts folks, if a thread has already been established about the official policies sorry folks...

Here are some links to read it all for yourselves...
Angry Joe
USA Today
LA Times
Gaming Blend


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Also I like to put out to research the recent pataent allowing the Kinect to be used as a surveylience device, alos MS is one of the companies participating the Gov.'s data sharing with fed agencies.
(PS I am nota conspiracy theorist)


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
For everyone who trully disagrees with MS next console, please spread this around and do your hardest to make sure everyone you know that is into gaming or will be getting into gaming knows how wrong this is. MS cannot be allowed to be this arrogant and think people will just give them money.


bad player
So you couldn't possibly use such a console for tournaments? If I am MLG or WCG or a regional TO I can't run my 2day event on your console? So there goes a competitive scene for the "exclusive"(kinect?) titles. I'm just asking, I already won't be getting one. I live in an area w/ crap internet wasn't looking forward to it before but everything I've read about this thing is absolutely retarded.


This thing is a nightmare come true. Maybe I'm just old, but when new technology wants to keep tighter tabs on me than an ex boyfriend, I'm out. I do not need a machine... Watching me. Shudder.

People are really going to let this creepy, intrusive thing into their homes? It's like the start of a trashy "the machines are rising apocalypse" story.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Why not just wait and see how things play out.
I would, but seriously this is there official policies. Its a blatant PR stunt to soften the blow for E3. They are going to display all this negative information and all these bad restrictions first and then try to lure you in with the games they show off at E3.


Ugh.... I expected this but it still sucks.... I'd prefer to get a ps4 this time around...

To be perfectly honest though,

I'm not going to pretend for a damn minute that if XB1 has Killer Instinct as an exclusive, that I won't buy that motherfucker on the spot.


Filthy Casual
I would, but seriously this is there official policies. Its a blatant PR stunt to soften the blow for E3. They are going to display all this negative information and all these bad restrictions first and then try to lure you in with the games they show off at E3.
I know it sounds horrible, but lets just see how it plays out as a WHOLE.

Who says Sony doesn't have some dark secrets they aren't telling us?

I'm the type of guy that will wait for the price drop, not the one that has to get a over priced system on release day just to tell everyone on the block I did so. I won't even trust day 1 reviews of the system, but after a month - six months reviews will matter.

Talking about bad products, spore don't you smoke? I know many gamers do...

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
This console should boycotted.

When the console checks in if you have internet and removes your option to play games but keeps the TV and DVD options, it ceases to be a console with Gaming as it's primary focus. Idiots that buy this console will retard the gaming industry.

Since im not buying any Sony related crap products...Wii U here we goooo!


Ugh.... I expected this but it still sucks.... I'd prefer to get a ps4 this time around...

To be perfectly honest though,

I'm not going to pretend for a damn minute that if XB1 has Killer Instinct as an exclusive, that I won't buy that motherfucker on the spot.

Stick to your principles, damnit.
If they released Lost Odyssey 2 as an exclusive, they could still go fuck themselves.

Don't bend, don't break. They work for you, and showing up to work on time once doesn't excuse gross negligence elsewhere.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I know it sounds horrible, but lets just see how it plays out as a WHOLE.

Who says Sony doesn't have some dark secrets they aren't telling us?

I'm the type of guy that will wait for the price drop, not the one that has to get a over priced system on release day just to tell everyone on the block I did so. I won't even trust day 1 reviews of the system, but after a month - six months reviews will matter.

Talking about bad products, spore don't you smoke? I know many gamers do...
I have a similar appraoch and yes I do smoke Mao, trying to quit actually, it costs too damn much to support.

I'm on the fence with Sony as well, they have been quite silent and thus far they have only revealed there similar used game policy to the XB1, (publishers will be given the right to use DRM). Surely you have to agree this by far is some of the worst policies and most anti-consumerist thing you have ever seen. I understand there is a possibility that things may not be as it seems, but this cannot even be made to look pretty. Its like a polished turd, sure you can clean it and recolor it, but it is still a turd that is likely gonna smell really bad, worse than my smoking habit:). I never buy a sytem day 1 release, I always wait between 6 months to a year before and I show no true favortism towards any brand or company, hell I used to love Capcom and have even turned my back to them. Sony though may have been quite, but on there reveal day they were very prevelent on the online requirement in saying it will not be required and basically from the descriptions put out by them it will likely function as it does now.

All I'm saying though and this goes to everyone, don't let any shiny new IP or Exclusive cloud your vision as to waht the thing is aiming to become, a DRM machine that removes all your rights to own what you have paid for.

BTW Mao we gotta hook up online again sometime I've been putting some mad work in IGAU lately...

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
ps4 all the way. Microsoft dropped the ball big time
ps4 will have Cross game chat YAY!
They have also said now ...no having to check in online and that used games will work the same as this gen...and announced a couple free to play games...
The question is will the games make everyone look past all of this...because even if it don't effect youu now it shows you what direction the companies are going....

Sent under duress.