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The WWE Hall of Fame


Forum General Emeritus
If you are a fan of WWE in any way, you know they have a Hall of Fame similar to how most sports leagues have their own. However, unlike actual sports leagues, the requirements for entering this Hall are slightly different (as in, there are none.) People get inducted weeks after retiring, despite having never won a title, or even better yet - never having competed in a single match in WWF/WWE.

The link below takes you to WWE's current Hall of Fame list.

OK, after having read all that, let's review a few things here... From a "smark" perspective...
  1. What should the true requirements be for entering this establishment?
  2. Which wrestlers currently in the Hall should not be there?
  3. Which ones should be there?
I think just like any other pro hall of fame, there should be a minimum wait period to induct someone into the Hall. Whether upon retirement, death, or leaving the organization, that wrestler should be required to wait at least 5 years before their name can even be considered for the Hall. This eliminates the immediate hype and desire to just put someone in because they are currently on everybody's mind. It allows you to step back and focus on their achievements, objectively.

I also think that in order to be a part of ANY organization's Hall of Fame, you need to have actually contributed to THAT organization. I don't care what they have done for the sport or the business, wrestlers like Sting and Abdullah the Butcher do not belong in the Hall.

Now, as for wrestlers that are currently in that shouldn't be there...
  • Ernie Ladd - never wrestled or worked with WWF
  • Ivan Putski - held the tag titles one time, but beyond that nothing of note
  • Mikel Scicluna - one time tag champ, nothing else of note
  • Johnny Rodz - a career jobber
  • Harley Race - yes I went there. He held 8 world titles, but they were all outside of WWF/E. He accomplished nothing of note during his tenure in WWE, aside from winning the KOTR in 1986.
  • Junkyard Dog - I liked JYD like most people, and yes he held a ton of titles OUTSIDE of WWE, but he accomplished nothing of note while working for the company.
  • Verne Gagne - Respect for what he helped pioneer in the industry, but did nothing in WWE.
  • Dusty Rhodes - all of his accomplishments occurred outside of WWE, not to mention his tenure with WWE was shortlived regardless.
  • Nick Bockwinkel - See above
  • Peter Maivia - Only got in because of the Rock
  • Eddie Graham - Did nothing in WWF
  • Bill Watts - Nothing of note aside from one tag title. Major accomplishments were outside WWF.
  • Koko B Ware - Biggest joke in the Hall outside of the celebrity wing. Jobber to the stars.
  • Mad Dog Vachon - Accomplished nothing in WWF
  • Gorgeous George - See above
  • Bullet Bob Armstrong - See above
  • Abdullah the Butcher - See above as well
  • Mil Mascaras - Yet again...
  • Booker T - Falls victim to two things here. First, his major accomplishments were outside of WWE. Second, he is too recent and not worthy of discussion at this point.
  • Carlos Colon - Did nothing in WWE
  • Sting - I don't care how big a star he was in WCW and how influential he was in the Monday Night Wars. His record in WWE stands 2-2, no titles held, and accomplished nothing of significance during his short stay in WWE.
  • Stan Hansen - Did nothing in WWE
Phew that was a long list. You will notice that a good chunk of those on this list are minorities. I'm willing to bet that WWE included some of these inductees in order to appear PC to the public. Now moving on to wrestlers that SHOULD already be in the WWE HOF. The list isn't very big IMO.
  • Kurt Angle - Getting inducted this year and rightfully so.
  • Ivan Koloff - Ended the streak of Bruno Sammartino for his first WWF World Title reign.
  • British Bulldog - Held numerous titles and was a complete package of a wrestler.
  • Dynamite Kid - I would not induct him on his own, but as a member of the "British Bulldogs" tag team.
  • Rick Rude - Mega Heel in his day, great IC champion, and could do it all in the ring.
  • Owen Hart - I didn't agree with him going in at the time because, let's be honest, it was a kneejerk reaction to his death and he wasn't doing that great in the ring. But when you look back at his accomplishments today and what he was able to do with his brother Bret, not to mention more than enough time has passed to make this a consideration, I say he gets in now.
  • Daniel Bryan - Too soon
  • Rock - Too soon
  • HHH - Still active
  • Undertaker - see above
  • Kane - yet again...
  • Vince McMahon - and it goes on...
  • Chris Benoit - I believe his heinous actions disqualify him from ever being a part of the Hall.
OK, that's enough from me. What say the rest of you?