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The Wrath Of Vajra (Movie Trailer)


Thanks for posting this. I'm always on the lookout for new MA films. Most of the more modern MA films I've watched have good fighting scenes but lack in the plot department or don't really seem to have one. One that comes to mind is 'Jet Li's Fearless'. I know a lot of people would say you should watch an action film for the action, not story. I can't really can't agree with this though. Heck if I wanted to watch just fight scenes I'd fast forward to them. Unless maybe it's a film like 'The Raid: Redemption', in where fighting is the bulk of the movie....

And here's some I've seen lately that weren't too bad, although not MA films except the first one.

Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame
Dead Mine (decent horror flick with a cool and rather unexpected ending)
Hammer of the Gods (decent Viking movie)

Also looking forward to 'Only God Forgives' when that's out.