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Vak Phoenix

my personal predictions.

-marauders try to rape carl and rick kills them... possibly biting the neck off someone (he has blood on his lips and beard in trailer)
-beth is found at church (you can see rick carl and michonne entering a place with candles and crosses in NZ trailer)
-maggie dies cause of cannibals (terminus group)
-shoot off rick vs terminus
-rick finds new group of survivors and go to terminus
and this!

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LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
The attempted rape of Carl will happen for sure and Rick will go ape shit and kill them all.
Rick, michonne, carl, and daryl reunite and arrive at Terminus where they are greeted by "gareth"
shoot out occurs
hopefully glen and maggie get added to beth soup.


Either Maggie or Glenn will die. They make it so obvious in the last episode.

And holy shit that picture is creeping me out can't wait to see the new episode.


cr. HP Master
I remember seeing one episode start with the alcoholic in the group walking down rail road tracks.....some guys pull up behind him and ask if they want to join their group lol...he says that the others he was with didn't make it, but they were his group...anyone know what I'm talking about? I never seen that explained.

Vak Phoenix

I remember seeing one episode start with the alcoholic in the group walking down rail road tracks.....some guys pull up behind him and ask if they want to join their group lol...he says that the others he was with didn't make it, but they were his group...anyone know what I'm talking about? I never seen that explained.
daryl thinks that everyone from the prison died?

Mr FiF

I think Beth is getting eaten by the cannibals. idk y but i gotta feeling. I Hope Bob or doesnt die

OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
Also, to back up my idea tha Beth is dead/will be dead, when her and Daryl were talking before burning down that shack, she was talking about how he was going to miss her when she is gone. Writers are foreshadowing like mad here