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Strategy The uses of f21 as an ender


AUS FGC represent!
Ok, so f21 is a great ender, it not only restands the opponent from a juggle, but it leaves you at +19 for some setups/shenanigans. Here are some things you can do after an f21;

- standing 3 into full combo. This is actually a frame trap, they have to block otherwise they'll eat the full combo. On block it can be confirmed into bf1 (MB) to be made safe if need be.

- emoks dna srorrim (dd3). The f21 frame advantage covers a bit over half the start up of this move. It can still be used to provide a mixup jump in however, especially if they respect your standing 3.

- MB erif ssik (db2). A decent setup that can allow for follow ups. Some follow ups include; etativel into MB tele for either cross up or non-cross up jump in, teleport behind for a combo and dashing in with the fireball covering you.

- combo into bf3. Although there are usually better ways to combo into this move, it's still pretty good. The non meter burned version stuffs up inputs for 1 second allowing for jump ins, dd3 setups and a whole host of other things. Meter burned version can be used to vortex with a jump in 2.

- trait. In some MUs, this is a really viable option. You can cancel your trait animation immediately into lighting strike to catch any counter pokes. You can also cigam rallip (df3) them for a 20%ish combo (35% in corner). If you manage to knock them back you can zone them for a bit to build up meter.

- combo into bf2. Provides a hard knockdown, but there are generally better options tbh.

- dash up grab. It's a nice 11%, could finish a round.

- combo into itlum ckik (bf1). MB version allows you to dash under (as RAMPAGE showed here) and go for a reset.