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The top Kameos for Peacemaker


Into dust!
One of the main things i want to do with certain characters i use and love is to find the main top 3 Kameos that fit a certain character's playstyle well. I have been watching Kolo, locals, and seeing 3 main kameos used consistently, and i decided to do a deep dive in the lab into why.

1. Cyrax
Recently trending, Cyrax's bomb in the corner after Sonic Boom is absolutely NUTTY tech. Use it at the right time, and keep the blockstun with f4, 2, and you have unblockable setups similar to Jax's blockstun unblockables. If timed correctly on hit, 2, 2 into the grab, and using Bomb in the corner at timed right, can lead to back eagaly blockstun after a string in time for the unblockable, that can be continued for a corner combo. The net is also connectable after f4, 2. If the timing is good, you can antigravity cancel for side switch, and even have enough time to foward dash the opponent into the corner due to the struggle animation. Lastly, and very underused, Peacemaker's back throw animation can be put into the Cyrax up spin, which can lead to a jump 1,1,2 spikes combo for pressure. Not much damage, but very effective to close out rounds.
These are the main tools, but how fast a game can end in the corner with these unblockables and a full stack of meter makes Jax look like a cupcake.

2. Sonya
After the buff, Sonya's use spiked due to the fact shes basically the "all around" of kameos, one piece of everything. A good, fast projectile, combo extender, and grab startup.
The main tool used primarily is the fact that you can use Peacemaker's air 2,1,2 reset to the ground meterless with sonya's air extender, or even twice, saving the grab string or EX sonic boom/second sonic boom for later in the combo. If you are a player that enjoys meterless punish damage, this team primarily has that. Not many characters fit in well with combo extenders considering the way hurtboxes work with all the sonic booms and EX Pistol shots, but sonya has no problem with extensions/setups from low eagly, 2,2 grab setups, and both sonic booms.

3. Kano
Now there is Stryker, but due to the timing nerf, kano is faster to most people. His help in the keepaway game is great, however despite the ball setups making certain unsafe strings safe, things can still be armored. The main setup tool is Anti-gravity mixups with the knives being thrown at just the right time to even be off of the screen, or bait into the opponent punishing torpedo, then getting hit by the knives. If there is an upblock attempt, you can go for a fakeout, and grab as well. The kano ball raw with Ex pistol also helps chip damage even if the opponent ducks the pistol shots.

I am sure others will say Sareena or even frost! Still doing the research.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
I'm not certain I fully understand the Sonya tech seen here...

I've done it, but the timing is really elusive.

For those who can't see the video, Sonya kameo rings can be charged for a moment to allow the pre-patch F4.3,k combos to connect.


Into dust!
The tech is how you can use her air extender off of sonic boom into 2,1,2, to the point you can do it twice. I also forgot to mention, if f 4, 1, 2 connects, you can air extend that as well.


Most Peacemakers I've met use Khameleon. Is she just a mid kameo for him or is she actually a good pair, all things considered?


Into dust!
Khameleon despite very high tier, is a very circumstantial Kameo. Most peacemakers at high level play keep away/punish gameplan, then find that one crack to exploit (Eagly mixup, Sonic boom 10 frame punishes, forcefield, Anti gravity mixups) Why use jade's field when you have forcefield?
They are a very good pair, but you have to work around the kameo itself, rather then the gameplan most peacemaker players have. In my opinion, you can't maximize the potential of that team due to how peacemaker has utilities that khameleon has, and how timing can really bite you in the ass if lets say, i get a punish off, sonic boom, and i need mileena for an air extension, but i have jade, who only has a ground extension. Then, i gotta spend the bar for 2,2 grab ex pistol to get something off.
You gotta play around your kameo, instead of your kameo playing around you. It is a very good team, but it drastically will change the way you play with peacemaker :eek: