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General/Other The Storm has passed, the Flock still flies.


I miss you
Well, patch v1.03 has finally come and at least we could get a little bite of the buffs cake. Of course we didn't get the lottery like Sinestro, Catwoman, Shazam or Bane, but guess what: Our character is still intact. We didn't get any soul crush nerf (which I really feared off) and now we do have another motive to try to get that demon stance all the times we can.

Congratulate ourselves, Raven players. We survived this patch, some characters were just killed. So high five (or high claw?) with each one of you and let's keep representing Raven as what she is: A solid character with tons of hidden potential.



I don't think we should worry about Soul Crush being nerfed. It is only dangerous online and to those not familiar with the matchup. Once everyone gets the hang of things, it might even get a buff. X))

Right now, though, she seems just fine.

Quick question. So her d3 got "normalized". What does that mean? Is it not a hard knockdown anymore?


Normalized = brought in line with other similar moves. In this case, it means the damage was... buffed!

Used to do 5%, it now does 7%. A very quick test, Lex and Aquaman's both do 7% on the release-day patch, so I'm guessing that Raven's 5% on this move was an error.


Normalized = brought in line with other similar moves. In this case, it means the damage was... buffed!

Used to do 5%, it now does 7%. A very quick test, Lex and Aquaman's both do 7% on the release-day patch, so I'm guessing that Raven's 5% on this move was an error.

ahh. i see. thanks.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
let's all enjoy some tasty waffles...also Raven is fine...the only buff i would ask for is a better backdash and an a airdash, but she really doesn't need much done to her. It would be cool to have more things to do at meterless though.


She doesn't need an air dash (teleporting air-dash? slightly op :p). Better backdash would be nice, but Raven can control spacing quite well with her specials and combos. Often it means dropping a few %, but some combo enders send the opponent nearly full screen.

The only thing I would like is a slightly quicker demon stance transformation and the gap in 223 removed.

her d3 used to only do 5% but it also did 2% chip
oh lol I didn't know that


Obanye - Bay Area - PSN
Raven seems to be one of the best balanced characters if you ask me. Also no character was "killed" with the patch, just a ton of overreactions. I think she's perfect as she is, I wouldn't add or remove anything.

edit: actually there IS something I would add. A New 52 costume or something to hide her fucking face.


Face it, you're done.
An air dash would be nice :x

No but realistically a faster b12 or a string that leads into a low as well. Close up she's meh