Dope Dojo
The Bomb Diggity
Well its Monday Night and you all know what that means??? It's time once again to begin sign ups for the Road to MKX episode 11 to take place as always this Saturday night at 9 p.m eastern. For this week's episode we are going to try and mix it up a little bit. In light of my poll earlier, I'm going to do something I've never done before and that is for the first time ever the Road to MKX will make its official debut on the X Box 360. That's right, now you too who are on XBL can take part in the fun that is the Road to MKX. The show will operate the same. A King of the Hill match, the winner being the person with the highest streak by the end of the night. Now I do this in the hope that XBL players will represent, but if there is a lack of interest i'll have to call an audible and go back to PSN.
The winner just like with past episodes will receive a $20 Giftcard for XBL
So if you're interested, leave your Gamer Tags below. Follow dat channel
As always thank you all for the continued support.
The winner just like with past episodes will receive a $20 Giftcard for XBL
So if you're interested, leave your Gamer Tags below. Follow dat channel
As always thank you all for the continued support.