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The Pit III redone, Puzzle Kombat and Skarlett rumored to be 360 exclusives?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Ok, well guys I found this today but have no idea how reputable this site is....I found it thru googling new rumors, info and found out thru an MKO thread...after a friend had told me about the new rumors. I wanted to see how true it was.

The only other one was some guy posting a yt vid of GL but we all know that by now.


What do you guys think? It also mentions avatar stuff within the King of the Hill mode online.


Probably something someone is making up, with the King of the Hill avatars put in there to make it sound legit. I highly doubt they'd make MK content exclusive.

Although, would be cool for Xbox users to finally get something.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
lol, looks like it's all bs....the pit 3 would have been nice though lol the rest I honestly didn't believe puzzle kombat? lol that seemed random, amazing how nearly 20 years later MK still has ridiculous rumors lol