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The PILKLANDER Adventures! Analysis on homelander's strats, issues, and needed fixes.


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Welcome! After missing on my locals over a stupid ass finger infection, my plans were a little foiled on testing and reporting on my 1 month Homelander for assistance on those struggling on some tech. However, ive done my research, and i'm here to say sweet god, i do NOT think we should have him at EVO...until a tiny patch. Before going through some hidden (broken) tech, and the full analysis on the character, we'll go over his tools!

Flight/Neutral stance- (it isn't as scary as you think! But watch that tech)

BF2...Neutral stance has a safe high 4 with pushback, a mid 3 that is mad unsafe (only converted with janet/stryker/goro/pickup kameo) with mediocre okie, a high 2 side switching command grab (pickup kameo extends) and the main combo starter, stance 1. Now, each of these sound a little scary, however, this is one of those characters that needs a little homework for perfect punishes; stance 1 lifts him high in the air. Most people mash 1 and miss the pickup. Be sure to wait a second before you attack, or do two pickup jabs to convert. Everything else is techinally a high/mid mix? But the mid 3 really isnt that deadly. Although gives a combo, it is very fast, you're gonna need ninjakilla reactions and even then, most Homelander's do not do it.

As for the command grab, here's our first tech issue!; with the string B1,4- this attack JAILS. Armor's the only way, no D1, you gotta duck, or its leading to a pickup kameo for a combo. However, the damage with his character is highly scaled and most of the time will barely go past 27% on any of these conversion attacks.

Now for the flight cancels! Any string can be canceled into the mid flight, which comes with a really stubby ranged 1 mid that can be combo'd with Kano's knives, a 2 that isnt useful in flight cancel because of range, the abused 3 kick, and a more ranged 4 kick. Now what you see every Homelander do is cancel a string, air attack 4, into air stance, 4. Air stance comes with the main combo tool that reverts him to neutral stance again, 1 (which were gonna get into because there's a problem that let's players get away wit murder) an air grab ender 2, the main abuse tool 4, and the unsafe 3. although it can convert well with a pickup kameo. The easiest way to get past this is wth armor. Respect the air 4, then armor while he stances. The corner trap with air 4 no longer works.

Theres only one problem; Air stance 1, from an air attack, is -16 unsafe...unless the player D1s. That's right! D1 makes the string safe for some...reason. This right now is the most abused tool online with Homelander. It also effects being -16 or -18 depending on distance? To be frank, most Homelander players are gonna be delivering my doordash when this is fixed. Block the D1, then punish. Sometimes, you can beat him out of the D1, but it's not a punish; just a kounter. This becomes a mixup however! Because you can then, after air stance 1 hits, use EX Counter to punish a condition you are applying to the opponent. This is HELL, for characters with slow D1s. This is a big frame issue added with this last patch that needs a fix asap.

Imma firing my laser, until you punish me

A smart homelander will use microdashes to make bf1 hit you at the right spot. So basically, EX high laser, is -8, but the mid laser, even EX, is -18 or so. You have time to micro dash punish.

Another known bug though, is his quarter circle corner laser glitch in the corner. This well...it's happening alot. And causes camera issues. Let this speak for itself.

Besides these fixes, still a solid character. But in my opinion? When you get the gaps down, you can really drop this character off. Yes, F4 is an insane tool, but a duck after that makes it a 1/4 option for Homelander.