This mean you don't like me?
Congratulations @DJT/MIT , @MITDJT @DJTMIT
It sucks for brothers to play each other that late in tournament. Bittersweet. Being a sibling myself, I know the experience all too well.
But you believe in the power of YEEAAAAAP and it saw you through. Congrats.
@General M2Dave A huuuuge amount of people wanted to see your Zod, myself included. It's unfortunate we didn't get to see you go as far as we were hoping for, but hopefully you can rally behind your Zod brethren, and enjoy his success as well. Make sure you have fun before you head back home to Cleveland. And Lebron's back so it's not ALL bad.
I'm sorry, but I'm legally obliged to post this
It sucks for brothers to play each other that late in tournament. Bittersweet. Being a sibling myself, I know the experience all too well.
But you believe in the power of YEEAAAAAP and it saw you through. Congrats.
@General M2Dave A huuuuge amount of people wanted to see your Zod, myself included. It's unfortunate we didn't get to see you go as far as we were hoping for, but hopefully you can rally behind your Zod brethren, and enjoy his success as well. Make sure you have fun before you head back home to Cleveland. And Lebron's back so it's not ALL bad.
I'm sorry, but I'm legally obliged to post this

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