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A source confirms to EW that the twin characters Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch will be joining The Avengers 2, which Whedon hinted at recently when he said he was writing a brother-sister duo into the movie. Feige maintains a poker face on that scoop, saying only: “I’m not confirming or denying. The draft could change six months from now”.


Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
He said he liked them, not confirming, and i don't see it. They lose a bit of the meaning without saying they're Magnetos kids, and they obviously can't do that.

And they can't write in Scarlet Witch without drastically dumbing down her powers.

What they need to do is, sign an agreement with Sony for spidey. Have Tony Stark make an after credits appearance in Spiderman 2 dropping by surprise at Peter's house to extend him an offer to work at Stark Industries. Screen fades to black, the cheers of thousands of fanboys and comic book nerds boom throughout the world.

One can only dream rye?


He said he liked them, not confirming, and i don't see it. They lose a bit of the meaning without saying they're Magnetos kids, and they obviously can't do that.

And they can't write in Scarlet Witch without drastically dumbing down her powers.

What they need to do is, sign an agreement with Sony for spidey. Have Tony Stark make an after credits appearance in Spiderman 2 dropping by surprise at Peter's house to extend him an offer to work at Stark Industries. Screen fades to black, the cheers of thousands of fanboys and comic book nerds boom throughout the world.

One can only dream rye?
kevin feigie stated he worked out a deal to use them as long as they dont deam them mutants and are related to magneto. they will be used in both avengers and xmen franchises


i will be posting all marvel movie news in here

Kevin Feige Says DOCTOR STRANGE Is “Next Up” for Marvel to Explore; Hints at Possible Phase Three Release

Dr. Strange is something that I talk about often and it’s sort of next up for us to dig into and explore. Our executive producer of Iron Man 3, having done Captain America: The First Avenger and as that was finishing he started working on the bones that would become Iron Man 3, and now that he’s finished with Iron Man 3, he’s working on the bones that would become Doctor Strange. Now that Iron Man 3 is finished, some of our quote-unquote spare time is going to be devoted to trying to crack Strange.”

As we look past 2015, past Avengers 2 and Ant-Man, I think Dr. Strange should be one of the next movies in the years following that.”



Scary Bat
Screw the Guardians of the Galaxy film if they use the horrible, HORRIBLE, redesigns and not the awesome, AWESOME I SAY, stuff from Annihilation.


Screw the Guardians of the Galaxy film if they use the horrible, HORRIBLE, redesigns and not the awesome, AWESOME I SAY, stuff from Annihilation.
all we see is just concept art. lets not judge till the finished stuff is complete

also yondu is in the film played by michael rooker :) wich is interesting because he is from the 67 team

http://iwatchstuff.com/2013/04/guardians-of-the-galaxy-finally-has-a-yo.php they also casted corrina who is the helper to the collector and they just casted some dude who i think may play korvac


Good luck working Rocket into the movie lmao.
gunn stated he has is ideal rr in mind so i am curious as to who it is and rr will be the heart of the film

i finally saw slither and i have to say i have faith in gunn to do this justice. also feigie stated they will do everything to prevent this from being similar to green lantern wich is a plus in my book

also here is rr conept art. it is old but he looks amazing