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What's a Smarrgasm?
Sorry man I didn't see it and Pig told me to go ahead and make one. Didn 't mean to step on your toes
No worries man, it was pretty buried at this point. Definitely needed more attention so i brought it up. Ill get numbers from all the ATL guys this week and start contacting everyone else by the weekend to make sure we get some accurate numbers.


No worries man, it was pretty buried at this point. Definitely needed more attention so i brought it up. Ill get numbers from all the ATL guys this week and start contacting everyone else by the weekend to make sure we get some accurate numbers.
Thatd be awesome bro. Thank ya

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
So I've pretty much flipped-flopped on this more times than Brett Favre during the last five years of his career, but I'm now 90% confirmed for this (with special thanks to the Chicago crew letting me tag along for the car trip). Once I get my tax refund and hotel room booked, will be 100% confirmed.


So I've pretty much flipped-flopped on this more times than Brett Favre during the last five years of his career, but I'm now 90% confirmed for this (with special thanks to the Chicago crew letting me tag along for the car trip). Once I get my tax refund and hotel room booked, will be 100% confirmed.
Are you riding with me, ken, or tommy?

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
I can't make this one fellas, find myself broke and possibly moving plus a new car, kind of a trifecta lol