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The Microsoft hates Sony game!


Hey guys, anyone up for a little game?

There is this rumor which says that Microsoft tried buying publishers so that they would not show off PS4 versions of multiplatform games during the upcoming E3, but only showcase the X-Box One version.

In the comments of one of the threats someone wrote this:
UNCONFIRMED RUMOR: Microsoft will release live bees into the Sony event.

And I lol'd IRL. But then someone else wrote this:
Dogs with bees in their mouths?!?

The follow-up was:
Pitbulls. And they'll be on fire.

I think that's hilarious. How about we continue the game? Let me be the first one in the second post:



Microsoft will release burning pitbulls with alive bees in their mouths and lasers attached to their heads into the Sony event.


Get over here!
Unconfirmed Rumor:
Microsoft will release alien burning pit bulls with alive bees in their orifices and lasers attached to their heads with multiple cannons embedded in fur with hernia and aids at the Sony event...

It is already getting too crazy. We should start a new one...