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the low poke....

Icy X

So I've been checking out some frame data for q few chars and thus far it looks like a lot of pressure and moves can be interrupted by a quick (4-6 frames) low poke after successful blocking. So is fast low pokes the best way to prevent rushdown attacks after you block a string? That is excluding blocked strings that push you back...

Anyways basically do low poke moves best for bailing yourself out of pressure? Or is it not really worth it and they're better viable options in general?


If your character doesn't shoot themself in the foot by going -13 frames then yes it is a great option. Even then, sometimes it's your only choice

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
It's a mixed bag. A common strategy is to throw out a low poke after a block string to catch people jumping out, to beat their poke etc.
Other times characters have strings that are just enough + frames on block that the opponent must respect a d1. (smokes 3, d1, 2 string for example) I could go on but you get the idea ;)

Sent from Cyberdyne Systems